1531 posts
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Coroware Corobot module variables [3]
Aniko, Most likely what has happened is that the configuration that was used to create the module i...
12 year 3 2592
RoboRealm Propeller MCU Examples / Help Needed [9]
Its something along the lines of   BYTE myStore[1024]   myStore[0...
11 year 17 3795
Sparki Bluetooth communication [2]
Chuck, Yes, it can. The Sketch you uploaded is configured to also look for a bluetooth connection. ...
11 year 2 3100
TCP/IP Modbus Connection [4]
Romin, No, the port number is very important. You should check the documentation for the Universal ...
10 year 21 6889
Fonts [2]
Roland, This was added just to help some folks see the RR interface text a bit better but did not c...
3 year 2 1787
Object Recognition Issue [3]
Rud, Thats to be expected when the tracking option is set. The reason is that once an object is rec...
12 year 3 2186
Axis m1013 Compadibility [3]
If you can find one of those cameras accessible online (look for streaming webcams or Axis demos) we can certainly test it. That...
11 year 7 2992
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [2]
Tomasz, All of what you are asking about is possible but its best to focus on one problem at a time...
11 year 24 4213
Detecting deformed rings [4]
Have a look at the attached. Note, this is one way of doing it ... there are others. The best way will depend on your final imag...
11 year 5 3219
Mr [2]
If you post an example image that your setup would see (i.e. camera looking at chessboard with some pieces present) that might g...
10 year 4 2921
Old snapshot showing up [4]
Keith, You got it correctly ... if you uncheck that checkbox it will not save the image. So to undo...
10 year 13 2264
Object Recognition_Template folder samples [4]
FRP, Yes, that's basically it. The one change is that the images should be only of the target to de...
7 year 4 2448
SetImage [2]
Instead of "BINARY" (which is a black and white image) you probably mean "GRAY" or "FBGR" (flipped RGB image where 1 byte for ea...
6 year 2 3022
no MOUSE_X [2]
Roland, The pipeline expects something in it to trigger a run .. i.e. like a camera capture trigger...
3 year 2 1914
Multi Kinect and Multi Tracking [5]
Maxime, Its worth testing the latest changes to the OpenNI2 module which you can now select which s...
11 year 6 3575
Lego_NXT module [12]
John, What would the condition to restart be? The button is just for testing purposes. The system s...
10 year 32 4060
How to create program file (.exe) fram .robo file [2]
Saiful, RoboRealm cannot produce a .exe file given a robofile ... that's just not functionality tha...
10 year 2 2075
Image Processing [2]
Roshan, The trick to OCR engraved text is lighting. I've attached an example. If you light the text...
7 year 3 2577
FRC Network table issue [3]
Pete, Yes, those are messages coming from the CRio that it does understand. There are a couple of r...
10 year 20 7958
Axis m1013 Compadibility [5]
In theory yes, but again if they do something strange like tunneling then it will not work ... so not guarantee. However, if you...
11 year 7 2992

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