How to create program file (.exe) fram .robo file
saiful anuar abu bakar from Malaysia  [1 posts]
10 year

I am still new with this roborealm software. This is a great software. May i know if the .robo file can be converted to a program file (.exe).

I am trying to create an application program so that the end user don't have to open it using the roborealm software

Many thanks

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 10 year

RoboRealm cannot produce a .exe file given a robofile ... that's just not functionality that we currently have.

Instead, we have an extensive network based API


that can be used to control the RR application in faceless mode (i.e. User doesn't see it). Alterntively, depending on you level of expertise you can use the RoboRealm DLL that has most of the functionality of the application.



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