1531 posts
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2D barcode [5]
Pete, Yes! That would work much better. The image posted above is 640x480 which I'm not sure if th...
11 year 9 3214
New trial version? [3]
Yea, we've tried to get on the whitelist for Norton but that doesn't seem to have done much. It is only a warning and not an a...
11 year 3 1696
RR keeps crashing, no historogram, out-of-memory error / win7 pro 64bit [4]
Tomasz, I think we found the issue. Indeed it was related to the drawing of the histogram graph in ...
11 year 6 3227
Sparki sketch [7]
Chuck, Unfortunately, the two libraries (the one that work with RR) and what Arcbotics is using is ...
11 year 10 3520
Can I Import Pre-recorded Video?? [2]
Try the Media Reader or Read AVI modules: ...
10 year 2 1928
Serial Module skips/sends/returns wrong data [2]
Ed, We found in the past that communicating with an Arduino can cause issues. That's why the Arduin...
10 year 4 3648
SetImage [7]
For those working directly with .net bitmaps you can instead use [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Dl...
9 year 17 2900
how to read I2C data in roborealm [2]
Its possible that a Maestro might work ... but you might be better off getting a small MCU that can talk i2c and you can script ...
9 year 2 2456
Finding Coordinates on Feature of Blob [4]
Alex, Its easier if you label (i.e. draw) ontop of the images you posted so that we can better unde...
8 year 6 2308
Lego_NXT module [7]
John, VBScript changes - What leads you to believe it is one version behind? If you make a change t...
10 year 32 4058
Can Roborealm do this? [2]
Bill, This is certainly possible but I'm not sure why one would use vision for such an application....
9 year 4 1853
.robo file it loads tabs but doesn't load their contents [2]
If you haven't already, download the latest and that should be solved. STeven. ...
9 year 3 1988
Raspberry pi or linux [2]
Edwin, Not quite, we've testing out the Raspberry PI and while very impressive for the price, its ...
11 year 2 1814
Sparki sketch [9]
Chuck. How about now? Attached is the reformulated .ino and support files. In this case things are ...
11 year 10 3520
PCB pads detect [2]
Try the attached. It appears to work on all your posted images. Naturally, you will need many more to test as some assumptions l...
10 year 3 2963
Old snapshot showing up [2]
Keith, There is a picture (of lollipops) that is saved in the robofile. At one point you probably s...
10 year 13 2264
WaitVariable - how to use it [14]
Would you be able to post the robofile, template image (the image you are search for) and test image (the image you are searchin...
9 year 15 7643
Servo controller [2]
Yes, that should work fine. What happens with USB connections is that they look  like serial connections and the proto...
8 year 2 2285
Object Recognition_Template folder samples [2]
Dr. P, Not that we can make available. Typically google image search is a good option for finding a...
7 year 4 2447
RoboRealm TestDll [2]
Christian, If that file is not located where RoboRealm is installed you probably are using the pers...
3 year 2 1881

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