1531 posts
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marble maze [3]
Regular hobby servos controlled by a lynxmotion SSC. STeven....
11 year 7 3420
finding screws [3]
Roland, I think you figured this one out ... just to summerize: Image ...
11 year 3 1784
VBscript help needed for Blob area/size comparision [2]
Aman, This is possible ... do you already have the initial script that quantifies the leaves? If so...
10 year 2 2561
Best shape to detect upper-left corner of a table [2]
Kresimir, You may find better luck using the Align_Image module which was built to align pages like...
9 year 6 2772
Pothole detect [5]
Its better to purchase a calibrated system than using two cameras. Their solution seems quite good but I would ask them if they ...
9 year 11 3970
Resulting image size [2]
Huckleberry, Not necessarily. The image is shrunk in the middle to make up for the expansion on the...
11 year 6 2866
Button toggle groups [2]
Paul, There was an issue with un-toggling buttons in the same group correctly. This has been fixed ...
10 year 2 2735
HTTP module, string variables, JSON parsing... [2]
Carl, You might be better of just doing that in JScript ... while the HTTP module can be used for t...
9 year 5 3370
hardware lab [2]
See the Serial module. You can also search the forum for other examples. ...
9 year 2 3411
Windows 10 Compatibility [2]
Yes, it should run just fine on Win8 and Win10. STeven....
9 year 2 2148
Center of Gravity [2]
Muhammad, The box size is based on a percent coverage of pixels. The algorithm starts at the COG wi...
8 year 2 2462
Feed RoboRealm webserver video to FRC SmartDashboard [3]
Hi, Just to be sure, the SDB does have the ability to add a 'Camera' and set that url directly to...
12 year 8 5183
Resulting image size [3]
Cancel that last post, I think we understand what the problem is. We'll make a correction and upload a newer version.
11 year 6 2866
Advantech I/O board support [2]
Tomasz, Yes, it is possible to support boards like these ... but we do not have the time or resourc...
11 year 3 2140
Lego_NXT module [10]
John, Actually I made more changes than that ... I checked the post and the right robofile is poste...
10 year 32 4056
Can Roborealm do this? [4]
Bill, Understood of the example scenario. Just making sure that's the case as we often get asked qu...
9 year 4 1852
Finding Coordinates on Feature of Blob [6]
Alex, This is certainly a difficult problem due to the lack of contrast between the parts of the co...
8 year 6 2306
Movement Strobe use [2]
Josh, Not sure if you included a robofile or not but it seems to be missing in the post.
7 year 2 1835
Higher FPS [2]
Roland, Typically when we need something to process at a much faster rate a module will run indepen...
3 year 2 1792
Blob_Filter Get/Set Parameters [3]
There are two primary ways to do this. The first is to use expressions within those fields. For example, type in [obj_count] int...
12 year 2 1970

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