marble maze
sazuan from Malaysia  [6 posts]
11 year

in this tutorial of marble maze. what are the type of servo motor is used?

and secondly, what kind of controller used to control the servo?


Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year
Regular hobby servos controlled by a lynxmotion SSC.

sazuan from Malaysia  [6 posts] 11 year
just used a ssc 32 controller?
what about a servo driver?? we need it or not
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year
What do you mean by servo driver? I think you are talking about the SSC. Basically PC->serial cable->SCC 32->PWM cable->Servo is what the connection sequence is. Any driver involved is on the PC side which is already built into RR (i.e. what serial commands to send to the SSC to get it to work).

Note that there are 100's of devices like the Lynxmotion SSC so you can be picky here.

Anonymous 11 year
See the instructable that covers how the maze was built

sazuan from Malaysia  [6 posts] 11 year
can i used arduino uno as a microcontroller?
replace ssc 32..
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year
Yes you can!


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