Resulting image size Annika from United States [14 posts] |
11 year
When I run a transform in the RR UI, the resulting image is the same size as the original. I can't see an obvious way to change this. (I am using bottle unwrap, obviously my output should be wider than my input.) Please help, thanks!
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
11 year
Not necessarily. The image is shrunk in the middle to make up for the expansion on the sides.
Perhaps you can post you image and explain what you are trying to do.
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
11 year
Cancel that last post, I think we understand what the problem is. We'll make a correction and upload a newer version.
Still, if you can, post your image so we have something to test on.
Annika from United States [14 posts] |
11 year
Thanks, Steven. This seemed to correct the problem.
We are working on unwrapping pharmacy labels (see attached). My next step was to stitch the images together from other angles to ultimately produce human or OCR readable text. There doesn't seem to be a really straightforward method for this in RoboRealm. Am I missing something?
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
11 year
As in you want to turn the bottle to get a couple shots and then merge them all together? Can you include 2 more shots from either side? We'll then experiment a bit to see what would work best to then merge them.
Also, just thinking on the final use case of this, is it possible to keep the bottle and the camera at exactly the same place and just rotate the bottle to take new images? The reason for this is that the unwrap parameters would then stay relatively the same. Or would there be a need to automatically determine what those parameters are due to different positions of the bottle within the image? The main one being the X coordinate or the vertical center of the bottle.
Annika from United States [14 posts] |
11 year
Steven, rotating the bottle is one idea we have had. Otherwise, yes; with the images I've been working with, the unwrap parameters need to be adjusted for each image.
Since you asked, here are the preprocessed images. As you can see, the center varies quite a bit. I wondered if you have anything like Gimp's intelligent scissors for detecting the edge of the label and cropping it automatically?