Advantech I/O board support
Tomasz from Germany  [20 posts]
11 year
while searching for the most convinient way to control relays in my application I found these nice boards:

Can RR support such boards?
Native support of PC/104 or PCI boards type would be very nice for commerial users that would like to use RR.
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 11 year

Yes, it is possible to support boards like these ... but we do not have the time or resources to support all of these (typically we receive no help from the actual vendors) so if there is one that would really help your situation we can look into if that would make sense to support in RoboRealm. Typically we add support for devices that are of interest to more than one person.

Tomasz from Germany  [20 posts] 11 year
Well actually I bought Phidgets 888 for test - this was just an sugesstion.
I'll try with pidgets and see how well it can stand the abuse  ;)

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