1531 posts
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Arduino Motor Control [2]
You can't process images on the Arduino without additional hardware ... the code was written to work on a PC (there is a PC runn...
9 year 12 3908
Best shape to detect upper-left corner of a table [6]
Yes, it is always a good idea to test any solution on as many images as you can. Especially in the case of paper that has been h...
9 year 6 2795
shape recognition [2]
Yes, this is possible but the shape recognition module is probably not the right solution. That's meant to identify objects tha...
11 year 3 1755
Background always black with green screen [7]
The image specification doesn't work in the way that you are using it. The dropdown in the GreenScreen module is for directly c...
11 year 10 3776
Old snapshot showing up [11]
That's correct, unfortunately the serial numbers are optional and not added by all vendors (much to our frustration!).
10 year 13 2277
XML/Sockets API - Questions for a node.js / Javascript interface implementation [3]
Carl, Q1. There is an internal structure that will be populated based on requests via the API. It i...
7 year 8 2974
Problems with Calculate_Distance and If_Statement [2]
BE, It is something simple once you realize that the AREA variable is actually an array of areas ev...
3 year 2 1659
Pinch? [6]
Posted are two images. Your's above and what I was able to get. There are a couple of manual edits shown to test the correctnes...
11 year 11 3104
X, Y List variable [2]
Lev, The X,Y list should be coordinates of a grid/checkboard that you have already processed in som...
8 year 2 3015
merge MPU6050 DMP code [2]
Sorry no, we are not familiar with that device nor its code. At this time we don't have any recommendations on how to merge that...
7 year 2 2309
MRDS setup [3]
RoboBill, Can you confirm that you are using a 32 bit system? It seems that the dlls are having iss...
12 year 3 4668
Maximum output filesize for Write_AVI [3]
Carl, You are correct ... there is a limitation of Write_AVI in terms of size. That's not somethin...
11 year 4 3322
Bug in call module [3]
Dawson, This has been fixed in the latest version. The problem was that the second tab was using an...
11 year 4 3108
Background always black with green screen [9]
You can use several ways ... since you are already sending the greenscreen module then save the script I sent and view it with a...
11 year 10 3776
TCP/IP Modbus Connection [11]
Then try foo = 1234 and see if that has a value. If it does, check tha...
10 year 21 6906
Problem API Execute loading CScript [3]
Rud, Looks like there were two problems with quotation. One was in the API that you are including. ...
12 year 3 1942
Lego_NXT module [19]
Hmm, that might be a bit tricky. Since things will have to be running before you flip that power switch all the timing will be o...
10 year 32 4090
Arduino Motor Control [4]
Just for clarification, you are adding this to the current UNO sketch that you uploaded or is this to be standalone? I.e. you ar...
9 year 12 3908
Defect Rubber [6]
Giuseppe, Unfortunately we don't have a solution for your images. There is some additional experime...
9 year 6 3539
Coordinates of a circle video stream [2]
Carl, Yes, this is possible ... it depends on your final goal. Certainly transforming an individual...
8 year 2 1805

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