1531 posts
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Time with no camera [8]
No worries ... I even missed that too! We've added in a small text note in that interface to remind people of that capability. S...
10 year 8 2601
TRansfered sequence to mini-maestro 24 [2]
This might be a better question for Pololu but have you tried experimenting with the Serial Script Commands seen in
8 year 2 1883
Powe Down [2]
Steven, I assume you mean that the working file that it occasionally saves during execution gets co...
6 year 2 2096
kinect color proportional to depth [3]
Oscar, So what you are asking for is for the RGB pixels to be overlaid ontop of the depth informati...
12 year 2 4218
RR keeps crashing, no historogram, out-of-memory error / win7 pro 64bit [2]
Tomasz, thanks for your emails and error reports. Give us a bit to check them out and see if we can...
11 year 6 3227
Communication [2]
Bill, The best way is to use the Sparkfun_Arduino module. You will find the Sketch that you need to...
9 year 2 2813
RR save setup for all windows accounts [2]
Kresimir, That is by design since most users cannot write to the global registry (unless they are a...
7 year 2 1871
displaying a number [2]
Roland, You mentioned a different solution on another thread (loading in actual image digits as nee...
3 year 2 2131
Sparki: Accelerometer does not name a type [6]
Chuck, Ok, then it looks like you've probably got something that is caching the download of the fu...
11 year 6 3428
TCP/IP Modbus Connection [2]
Romin, I would briefly try to disable the windows firewall to ensure that this is not causing the p...
10 year 21 6889
installable versions [2]
Albert, 1. You can always get previous versions by appending &v=2.70.0...
9 year 2 1799
Remembering USB Camera [2]
Yes, that's one of the reasons the module exists. It will send the required settings to the camera when rerun to ensure the came...
9 year 2 2311
RR Unstable During Tab Calls [6]
JHao, Thanks for your CSharp code. That was helpful to test the system in a specific way. There was...
7 year 6 2705
Using Multiple USB Web Cam in Win XP [5]
What brand of camera are you using? Its not necessarily the application or the OS's fault. Some camera drivers just do not supp...
12 year 4 3587
How to execute/run a robo file [2]
Vy, The easiest way is to just continuously analyse the images coming in ... assuming that you don'...
10 year 2 1808
2D code read [4]
What's the ^ mean? Disregarding that you can try x = cos(GetVariable("test") - 45) * sqrt(2)
10 year 4 2274
Roborealm and Sabertooth 2x25 [10]
Andy, Another possibility is that the protocol has changed to the Sabertooth. We don't get informed...
9 year 11 4009
SetImage [6]
Kresimir, Thanks for your testing and also including the screenshot. As soon as I saw the image in ...
9 year 17 2900
FRC Nettables [2]
Sandy, There can be many possibilities with network that cause this. Its possible that a firewall o...
9 year 2 2387
RoboRealm doesn't detect free disk space [3]
Michael, While we are not able to text with exactly 175Gb free we have consolidated those functions...
6 year 3 1862

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