1531 posts
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Pinch? [2]
There isn't an exact counterpart for a couple of reasons. As the curve you specify is manually done, as soon as the object move...
11 year 11 3104
Best method for embeding RR into another app ? [2]
Met, Thanks for the tip about the missing .h file. That has now been added.
10 year 3 1765
Old snapshot showing up [9]
Keith, Try using one of the cameras on the USB hub and connect the other on a different side of you...
10 year 13 2277
RoboRealm 64 bit [2]
Mayank, We've not had any requests for a 64 bit version but have intended to release a 64 bit versi...
9 year 4 1920
How do I activate my license? [2]
If you had activated it you should have received a download url based on that code. It might still be in the email box of whomev...
9 year 3 1836
Versions [3]
Matt, I'm not sure this is the answer to your questions buy you can find the versions off from the...
12 year 3 1845
Lego_NXT module [17]
And can I assume that the contest starts with someone pressing the Run program button on the NXT? Or is some other method used t...
10 year 32 4090
roborealm with interactive cinemas [2]
Abdelsalam, It is certainly possible but as RoboRealm isn't really built for that kind of interacti...
10 year 2 1711
Pothole detect [8]
Yes, a lidar would be the best tool for this. The precision offered by a lidar will detect the pothole depressions. In fact, you...
9 year 11 3996
Embedded PC [8]
Dawson, It will really depend on the image size that you are processing. RR should operate at a ste...
12 year 10 2459
FRC Network table issue [9]
Pete, Thanks for the information. It does seem to point to something within the C++ version of the ...
10 year 20 7985
How to set up and relay trigger with time delay [7]
1. No, nothing to do with releasing memory, everything to do with slight errors in the code. Note t...
11 year 24 4267
TCP/IP Modbus Connection [8]
based on ...
10 year 21 6906
USB HID Receive Data Error [3]
We tested this out just to see what information is sent when using \50 but it works as expected and didn't find any issues in th...
10 year 8 5209
navigation by computer vision [2]
What serial protocol are you using? I.e. what commands (like 'f' for forward, 'b' for back) do you need to send over serial?
9 year 27 5502
more documentation of DLL interface [2]
Arsham, Are you sure you want to develop a DLL plugin? That's very rare. Most actually use the API ...
6 year 4 2145
2D barcode [10]
Pete, Yes this is possible but it depends on how you are running RoboRealm. If you are doing this v...
11 year 9 3232
Pinch? [4]
Annika, Ok, I'm getting quite good results too with just the Unwrap module ... can you post the be...
11 year 11 3104
Toshiba Encore 2 8" tablet [2]
Eddy, The specs are fine. Better than many of the netbooks that we currently run RR on ... so I wou...
10 year 5 1924
TCP/IP Modbus Connection [9]
You'll probably need the newlines too foo = [COG_X]<cr><lf> ...
10 year 21 6906

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