how to read I2C data in roborealm
from United States  [36 posts]
9 year
I want to use TSL2561 light sensor with RR. How can I read its  I2C data in RR? Sensor has SDA and SCL pins. Can I use Pololu Maestro for it? Below is sensor details. Any help will be appreciated.
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year
Its possible that a Maestro might work ... but you might be better off getting a small MCU that can talk i2c and you can script (you can script the Maestro but we don't know to what extent), use that to capture the sensor data and send that to RR via serial. I2C is typically in the domain of microcontrollers and would need some sort of translation to get that into a PC (either via ethernet, serial or perhaps parallel port).


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