Image Processing roshan from India [1 posts] |
7 year
Help needed to perform OCR on attached image.
Carl from Your Country [1447 posts] |
7 year
The trick to OCR engraved text is lighting. I've attached an example. If you light the text from a single source to the right or to the left you will get a bright and then dark side (switching based on the side you light the text). To get this to work you need to play around with a single light source and the part in question to see how to light the text such that it has a single dark border. This typically means lighting from directly above or using diffuse/axial lighting (google axial lighting to see how that works with coins). See the 3rd attached image. The included robofile will correctly process this for connected text blobs which can then be used in the OCR module.
Androidrobo from India [7 posts] |
7 year
The advanced controls you have access to mean you can fine tune how the OCR process works instead of relying on fully automatic settings.