i'm working with RoboRealm and a linear Basler camera.
What I want to do, is send to RoboRealm the image I take with the camera.
Without save into the hdd and taking to send, camera gives me a byte array with the result.
The format is Mono 8.
I'm trying to do in this way:
rr.SetImage("source", grabResult.PixelData(), widthImage, heightImage, "BINARY")
widthImage and heightImage are 2 variables with the measure.
grabResult.PixelData() is the array.
Dim grabResult As IGrabResult = camera.StreamGrabber.RetrieveResult(800, TimeoutHandling.Return)
In documentation, grabResult.PixelData() tells: The pixel data buffer. The type of the object containing the buffer depends on the class implementing this interface. The pixel data buffer is provided as a byte array for a grab result.
The problem is RoboRealm receive an empty image and I'm sure that grabResult is not empty.