1530 posts
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moving dancer [7]
Martin, If you look on the home page there is a radio button next to the AVM module that you can se...
10 year 10 2153
moving dancer [9]
Martin, The IR camera is worth a shot. What you probably want to do is tape over the little light s...
10 year 10 2153
Conect Microsoft Kinect to RoboRealm? [5]
It probably corrected a couple things after a reboot ... sometimes the drivers need that depending on what OS you are using.
10 year 5 3214
Conect Microsoft Kinect to RoboRealm? [2]
You probably have the Microsoft Kinect Drivers installed too. When that happens the libusb drivers no longer work. I'd try to r...
10 year 5 3214
Oculus Rift [4]
CJ, Ok, then it seems like there may be a reason for integration in this case. I agree that piping ...
10 year 5 1698
Oculus Rift [2]
CJ, Its an interesting thought ... we are aware of that product but didn't think it had much relev...
10 year 5 1698
tracking [6]
Yea, getting the video from youtube worked well. I've attached a new robofile that fixes a bunch of problems that occur within ...
10 year 6 3108
tracking [3]
Jerry, the attached works (after you download the most recent RR version) on the image that you pro...
10 year 6 3108
Roborealm not recognizing multiple Playstation Eye cameras [2]
I assume that you installed the code lab drivers? Note that you need the platform SDK driver in order to access two.
10 year 2 1635
Printing [2]
Yup, either of those would probably work. As you discovered there is no printing capability at all ...
10 year 3 1588
Gerald, You may try the OpenNI2 module instead which uses the MS Kinect drivers. See
10 year 2 1548
Ellipse matching [2]
Just for completeness ... Ellipse module was just launched. ...
10 year 2 2547
Crop display [2]
This issue is fixed in the current version. Thanks for the test file! STeven....
10 year 2 2385
Cropping problems [2]
John, Sorry about the confusion. We added a condition check that was causing that display to fail. ...
10 year 3 2747
Roborealm not recognizing multiple Playstation Eye cameras [2]
Perhaps you can merge with ...
10 year 2 1536
Change in behavior of Marker [2]
Rud, The behavior was more undefined than a bug. For that capability, I'd recommend using the Resi...
10 year 2 1820
displaying variables [2]
Roland, Those GUI lists were set to auto sort. This has been removed so the order you specify shoul...
10 year 2 2363
Choppy servo control (dynamixel) [2]
Can you check on the right side of the pipeline and see what gray numbers are high for which modules? It sounds like you have so...
10 year 2 2828
Take "Floor Finder" just one time and save the value!! [2]
Update to the latest version, set the momentum to X number of initial frames that the model should use and then uncheck the cont...
10 year 2 2393
Streaming Webcam to Roborealm [2]
J., 1. Yes, and no. As there are a couple ways to do this. If you remain in the RR ecosystem, that\...
10 year 6 1680

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