87 posts
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Two cameras - crash the system
Hi, I'm using two cameras, but when I turn the RR program off, the entire computer restarts and go...
17 year 3 2927
Timer values
I would like to know the time between the two event's (e.g. mouse clicks). Is there a feature like 'Timer' available from whe...
18 year 2 3364
temporary image capture [2]
I am looking for a feature similar to video marker, but for a single image (snapshot). I have two ...
16 year 1 2166
Stereoscopic webcam vision [2]
Here is a basic but effective form of stere-webcams. It uses 2 markers, one for each camera. After appropriate filtering, the ce...
18 year 9 14671
Stereoscopic webcam vision [3]
Also, here's the file for basic stereoscopic webcam vision...
18 year 9 14671
Separating touching blobs [2]
Hi, I am analysing individual blobs using geometry_statistics and Sample_line modules. I have a ca...
15 year 7 4119
Sabertooth dual 2x5 controller
Hi, I have installed the sabertooth drivers for WinXP and get the 'Serial to USB Converter' on CO...
17 year 3 2098
RR speed [2]
Is there a way of making RR run faster? The same functions in OpenCV are faster. Can the preview op...
15 year 2 2024
RR on Pocket PCs
Hi Steven, I know that it might be a bit much to ask, but is there a way of using RR on Pocket PCs....
17 year 3 2700
RR on a dual core
I would like to increase the performance of RR, and was wondering in which ways could I do so? I understand the improving the CP...
17 year 4 2285
Roborealm crashes [2]
We purchased the new license and downloaded the latest RR Each time I open the RoboRealm.exe and click on Options butt...
15 year 3 2093
Reading an array in API [2]
Hi STeven, I have attached a RR program that I would like to transfer into API format in C++. I loo...
17 year 3 2560
Point Cloud Analysis
Hi STeven, I'm playing around with a home made laser scanner with RoboRealm anaysis. It seems to w...
17 year 9 4130
Multiple RR instances in API [2]
I would like to run two instances of RR using my API software. Is it possible? At the moment I use API and an RR program to extr...
16 year 14 3932
Mouse module [2]
I would like to use the mouse to track the motion of the surface below it. The idea is to continualy acquire the mouse position....
15 year 5 3767
Lynxmotion SSC control feedback
Is it possible to get servo position feedback, so that one could know if the move has been completed and what position is the se...
16 year 7 4432
Logitech QuickCam Fusion [2]
Hi, I'm using the Logitech QuickCam Fusion camera. Often the camera image stops working if I chang...
16 year 5 2339
Lock-in style image processing
Hi, I am trying to do lock-in style image processing so to overcome variations in the background li...
17 year 4 3046
Line Sampling Data [2]
Hi, Have you made any changes to the SAMPLE_LINE_POINTS data, as my program stopped working since I...
16 year 5 2099
Laser line segmentation [2]
Hi STeven, Nice job with the laser line module. I was wondering if there is a way to use that data?...
16 year 2 4519

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