RR on a dual core
from Australia  [87 posts]
17 year
I would like to increase the performance of RR, and was wondering in which ways could I do so? I understand the improving the CPU is one of the ways. Are there any other ways?

Also, if I was to upgrade to a dual core (or quad...) CPU, will RR be able to take advantage of it, and drastically improve it's performance?

Anonymous 17 year

There are a couple of ways to increase the performance.

Improving the CPU speed will always help. Getting a dual core with also help but RR is not written to directly use a dual core system. We run RR on a dual core which helps to increase the speed but it still has some room for improvement on the software side.

The other ways of improving speed is to check if you can reduce the image size (directly from the camera or using the crop/scale modules) being processed or trade one module filter for a faster but perhaps less accurate. Do you have a pipeline configuration that you are specifically looking to optimize? Can you post it here?


Anonymous 17 year
Thanks for the advice.

Here's the program file I'm using. It uses two cameras. If you could think of any way to make it less processor intensive, let me know.

Anonymous 17 year
Yes, try using the Filters->Mean set to a window size of 15 which is much faster than the Gaussian filter and should give you similar results.

What fps are you currently getting?


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