87 posts
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Lynxmotion SSC control feedback [5]
I've downloaded the new version. Haven't had too much luck. When I run it, how can I get the feedback value, so that the progr...
16 year 7 4337
Multiple RR instances in API [4]
Hi John, How can I specify another port for the other instance. I change the API Server port from 6...
16 year 14 3833
Distributor client, transmitting variables [18]
Hi Steven, My client program uses the MOUSE_CLICK_X and MOUSE_CLICK_Y variables to calculate and se...
15 year 21 2736
image acquisition [4]
Hi, I think that I might have figured out a way to temporary store an image from a video source. T...
16 year 3 1907
RR on Pocket PCs [3]
Hi Steven, Thanks alot for the advice. I like the idea of running a 'transmitter' program from th...
17 year 3 2607
Roborealm and MATLAB [7]
Hi Steven, I will look much more into MEX functions in MATLAB this week and try to figure it out as...
16 year 14 11186
Blob selection with mouse [3]
That sounds exactly like what I was trying to do. I havent's checked it out yet, but it sounds great.
17 year 4 3077
Laser Scanner [7]
STeven, I cannot change the Logitech Fusion exposure time, probably because it is CMOS. Is there a ...
16 year 16 4787
Laser Scanner [9]
Not quiet the same. Here is my one. ...
16 year 16 4787
Laser Scanner [10]
Hi Steven, I got my Logitech Fusion camera few months ago. If you think that it is an older model, ...
16 year 16 4787
Laser Scanner [14]
That's brilliant! It works. It's going 30 fps instead of 6. Thanks to both of you (STeven and Pat...
16 year 16 4787
Distributor client, transmitting variables [20]
Hi Steven, Are you planning on adding the varibale selection feature to server/client modules?
15 year 21 2736
Sabertooth dual 2x5 controller [3]
It is in the Serial Packetized mode and yet there seems to be no established communication. I don'...
17 year 3 2022
ActiveX interface to RR [3]
Hi Steven, Yes, I have previously use ActiveX to control a number of applications through MATLAB, a...
16 year 7 3058
ActiveX interface to RR [4]
I'm having a bit of trouble with the ActiveX control. I can't find the RR application ID or anything about RR and ActiveX. The...
16 year 7 3058
Logitech QuickCam Fusion [4]
When opening through API I need to make sure that th camera is setup to th right resolution & specific exposure time. For larger...
16 year 5 2243
Point Cloud Analysis [6]
Hi STeven, It sounds like you've got done exactly what I was asking about. I would like to be able...
16 year 9 4039
Distributor client, transmitting variables [4]
Hi Steven, Here is the server file. I believe that it might be something with the server module bei...
15 year 21 2736
Distributor client, transmitting variables [5]
Here is the client file....
15 year 21 2736
counting the flames [3]
It sounds possible with a few modules 'exponential', 'threshold' and 'circles'. I would recom...
16 year 3 1918

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