Lock-in style image processing from Australia [87 posts] |
17 year
I am trying to do lock-in style image processing so to overcome variations in the background lighting... I am just wondering whether anyone has any ideas.
I am able to modulate the light souce using the parallel port.
Anonymous |
17 year
I have to admit that while we have an idea of what you mean by "lock in style image processing" we're not sure what project you have in mind that would benefit from this technique. Perhaps if you could elaborate a little and include an image or two that would help explain your situation better.
Are you trying to use RoboRealm to modulate the light source? Or are you looking for RoboRealm to process the images after such pictures have been taken? Is there more than one light source?
from Australia [87 posts] |
17 year
I have managed to implement the lock-in technique. I am modulating an LED array through the parallel port, and am using markers for 'light on', 'light off' images. Then by subtracting one from another, I got the cleaned up image.
Basically, what I was looking for is a way to remove reflections from shine surfaces, and eliminate background lighting variations.
Hopefully other people find this post usefull.
Anonymous |
17 year
That's great to hear! Perhaps you could post one or two images that have been processed in this way to lend a visual sample of what you were trying to do. I'm sure others will find the results very interesting (us too!).