5048 threads
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WaitVariable - how to use it
I wrote an application in Delphi. Application utilize Robo-Realm (see attached RRTest.Pas procedure) to analyze image (Temporary...
9 year 15 7514
Using Roborealm to control robot working on OpenWRT Linux
Hello! Thank you for developing such great program, wich gives robotbuilders the huge variety of po...
13 year 5 7472
Nxt suddenly not working
Suddenly when I was downloading Frimware (NXT 2.0) to my robot (NXT) it turned off and not works again !! nothing displayed on i...
14 year 5 7447
Servo motor simulator
Hi! I have 0 budget. However with me now, I have a laptop, and a workable web cam. However,...
17 year 2 7309
Can not find webcam with object tracking software
Hi everyone, I have just downloaded the roborealm object tracking software, i have tryed with 3 different...
17 year 3 7233
How to use GetImage API method in C#?
Hello, Could someone please provide a simple example of how to use the RoboRealm API's GetImage me...
14 year 11 7145
parallel port motor control
i wanted to know how can u control motors using the parallel port using roborealm..plz help me.....
15 year 5 7094
can I use any stepper motor controller circuit
Hi, I  planning to build a USB Missle Launcher, but I want to mak...
17 year 6 7074
Parallax Propeller P8X32 chip serial interface .spin code.
I have a parallax robot control board wich holds the P8X32 chip. It is used very much allthough no-one seems to kn...
13 year 24 6981
Recommended Webcam for Low-light fraterate performance
Hello. A while back I posted a question regarding my webcam's framerate slow down. I've b...
17 year 5 6972
Mindstorms +RR
Ive read the tutorial twice but still don't understand how it works with lego mindstorms. 1, Can you provide any more...
18 year 8 6966
New DVR Client version is released
Finally new DVR Client v2.0 is released and you can download it from here: ...
12 year 3 6957
Spykee Red Ball
Hi. I loaded the Spykee Red Ball program into roborealm and spykee just starts rolling forward. It doesn't track anything. Is t...
14 year 6 6890
MicroSoft Life Cam - VX-500
Hi Steve, Yep, back looking at vision system again, for a Moly-Cop solution with Colin.
7 year 3 6846
Parrot AR Drone
So does anyone know enough about the new AR Drone to talk about whether it will be possible to connect it with RoboRealm? &...
12 year 18 6833
Reading Variables in C#
May I ask how to read the variable via socke with C#? I tried exploring the extension package but failed to find the way...
17 year 7 6826
Variable Values on VBScript
Hello, I am doing a visual odometry for 3 robots with a camera (determinate the X,Y,theta - positio...
14 year 14 6824
My First Attemp
STeven, Finally, I had time over the weekend to fiddle with RR, however it was not quite su...
17 year 18 6820
about the I2C bus on the serializer board
Steven what variables are they on the I2C bus to read from mostly TPA81 and how do i write them...
14 year 10 6818
TCP/IP Modbus Connection
Hello, I am trying to connect a Universal Robot to Roborealm through the ethernet connector which uses the TCP/IP ...
10 year 21 6789

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