How to use GetImage API method in C#?
16 year

Could someone please provide a simple example of how to use the RoboRealm API's GetImage method in a C# or VB.NET program?

The API GetImage method has signature:

GetImage(string name, out object image, out object width, out object height)

Alas, I can't make any sense of this.  I would have thought that the returned image would be a byte array but try as I might, I cannot turn the type "object" into a byte[].

I've been using the RoboRealm API to read variables without trouble.  I do this by making a reference to RR_COM_API.dll that is included with the RoboRealm distribution.

I've looked at all the other related postings I could find on this forum but none of them include a simple example of how to make this work in C#--at least none that work for me.

So a simple example would be greatly appreciated!


Anonymous 16 year
Hi Patrick

Try the following, we used the trennet camera as a current source example and it saves it to the temp folder

       RR_API rr = new RR_API();

            if (!rr.connect("localhost"))
                MessageBox.Show("Could not connect to localhost!");
            Byte[] image = new Byte[1280*960];

            Dimension d = rr.getDimension();
            // get the current processed image from RoboRealm and save as a PPM
            d = rr.getImage(image, 1280 * 960);
            if (d != null)
                //rr.savePPM(@"c:\temp\test.ppm", image, d.width, d.height);
                rr.saveImage(null, @"c:\temp\test.jpg");

            // disconnect from API Server

Anonymous 16 year
Many thanks for your reply.  However, I am using the DLL version of the API that comes with the main RoboRealm distribution.  It is included as the file RR_COM_API.dll.  In that version, the signature for GetImage is different than the one you are using, namely:

GetImage(string name, out object image, out object width, out object height)

so it won't work the way you describe.  I'm starting to wonder if the RR_COM_API.dll version of the API is out of sync with the source code?

Anonymous 16 year
Well if you must use a com interop, its not a full c# implementation then  :)  Note to other C# users trying this you will need to run TlbImp.exe on the RR_COM_API.dll and then reference  RR_COM_APILib.dll in your code and not the RR_COM_API.dll directly. You may also need to run regsvr32 on RR_COM_API.dll in order for it to compile correctly. This code was tested on VS Express 2008


            RR_COM_APILib.API_WrapperClass rr = new RR_COM_APILib.API_WrapperClass();

            object height = "";
            object width = "";
            object image = "";

            if (rr.Connect("localhost") == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Could not connect to localhost!");

            int d = rr.GetImage("Processed", out image, out width, out height);
            if (d != 0)

            // disconnect from API Server
Anonymous 16 year
Thanks for the followup.  Before you replied, I got it working by adding the C# API source directly to my project.  But for completeness, I just now tried it with your com interop solution using VS2005 and that worked too.

One last question: I don't really want to write the image to a file: instead, I want to create a bitmap in memory from the RoboRealm image byte array.  So using your original code, why does the following modification fail with error: "Parameter is not valid at ... System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(etc...)"?

       RR_API rr = new RR_API();

            if (!rr.connect("localhost"))
                MessageBox.Show("Could not connect to localhost!");
            Byte[] image = new Byte[1280*960];

            Dimension d = rr.getDimension();
            // get the current processed image from RoboRealm and save as a PPM
            d = rr.getImage(image, 1280 * 960);
            if (d != null)
                //rr.savePPM(@"c:\temp\test.ppm", image, d.width, d.height);
                //rr.saveImage(null, @"c:\temp\test.jpg");
                memoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(image);
                Bitmap testImage = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(ms);

            // disconnect from API Server
Tom from United States  [1 posts] 14 year

Is there is solution to this problem of how to use image with C# MemoryStream without getting "Parameter is not valid"?
Anonymous 14 year

Can you be a little more specific with your request? Can you post an example of your code that is generating the error? Or is this code from our API? Or is this even a RoboRealm related question?

Anonymous 14 year
Hi Steven,

My question was specific to the post before mine. The Anon. asked about how to get access to a Bitmap object and showed his code:

memoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(image);
Bitmap testImage = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(ms);

I also tried this and got the same parameter error. It looks to me like the image (that is the argument of MemoryStream) is not compatible with c# Bitmap.FromStream(ms);

The reason for doing this is to be able to post process the image outside of RoboRealm. With a Bitmap object it is very easy to analyse and show in c# form.


from United States  [214 posts] 14 year
Hi Tom,

These are the methods I have been using in C# to get a Bitmap from RoboRealm.  You don't have to use the imageBytes and imageDimensions arrays--I just use them for convenience.  One in place, I use them like this:

            Bitmap MyBitmap = getImageBitmap("MyMarker");


        private static SortedList<string, byte[]> imageBytes = new SortedList<string, byte[]>();
        private static SortedList<string, int[]> imageDimensions = new SortedList<string, int[]>();

        private static RR_API.RR_API RR;
        RR = new RR_API.RR_API();

        public void getImageBytes(string marker)
            int width = 1280;
            int height = 960;

            byte[] imageData = new byte[width * height];

            Dimension d = null;

            while (d == null)
                d = RR.getImage(marker, imageData, width * height);

            if (imageBytes.ContainsKey(marker))
                imageBytes[marker] = imageData;
                imageDimensions[marker][0] = d.width;
                imageDimensions[marker][1] = d.height;
                imageBytes.Add(marker, imageData);
                imageDimensions.Add(marker, new int[2]);
                imageDimensions[marker][0] = d.width;
                imageDimensions[marker][1] = d.height;

        public Bitmap getImageBitmap(string marker)
            return BitsToBitmapRGB24(imageBytes[marker], imageDimensions[marker][0], imageDimensions[marker][1]);

        // Create RGB24 bitmap from Byte array
        public Bitmap BitsToBitmapRGB24(Byte[] bytes, int width, int height)
            //swap RGB to BGR
            Byte tmp;
            for (int x = 3; x < bytes.GetLength(0); x += 3)
                tmp = bytes[(x + 2)];
                bytes[x + 2] = bytes[x];
                bytes[x] = tmp;

            if (bytes.GetLength(0) < width * height * 3)
                return null;

            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            int i;

            BitmapData data = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, bmp.PixelFormat);

            if (data.Stride == width * 3)
                Marshal.Copy(bytes, 0, data.Scan0, width * height * 3);
                for (i = 0; i < bmp.Height; i++)
                    IntPtr p = new IntPtr(data.Scan0.ToInt32() + data.Stride * i);
                    Marshal.Copy(bytes, i * bmp.Width * 3, p, bmp.Width * 3);


            return bmp;



Anonymous 14 year

Thanks for that code. We merged the two routines in getImageBitmap and placed that into the API to help others with the same issue.

from United States  [214 posts] 14 year


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