can I use any stepper motor controller circuit Anonymous |
18 year
I planning to build a USB Missle Launcher,
but I want to make a homemade controller circuit or use any stepper motor controller circuit .
So, Can i making it or I must to use special controller like controller that shown in roborealm site ?
Anonymous |
18 year
You can create any controller you want. As long as you can use something on the PC like the parallel port or serial com ports to communicate you should be ok. If you have a motor controller in mind let us know and we'll have a look at it for you.
Anonymous |
18 year
Thank Steven for replay,
In fact, I have no special controller circuit now, but I found it much online for example :
another see here :
Also, here a 3-Axis Stepper Controller http://www.electronics-lab.com/projects/pc/008/index.html
Also see controller uses the L297 and L298N driver combination:
So,Can you browsing this links and chose one good for use with roborealm.exe to controlling 3-Axis Stepper motors please?.
Anonymous |
18 year
Nice collection of links. I assume that the point of this is to actually built your own controller? If not there are many out there that are already made and somewhat cheap.
Regardless, you're request is a little beyond our capabilities in that we are not electrical engineers capable of making a circuit recommendation. Perhaps this is a better request for comp.robotics.misc at http://groups.google.com/group/comp.robotics.misc
It appears that most of them appear to have parallel port capabilities so most of them should work with the RR parallel port module. Other than that you'll have to decide which one to build as we cannot offer much help in this area.
Anonymous |
18 year
nice answer, Steven ,
I just ask the past questions to take sure if I can use any controller with roborealm.exe , but maybe roborealm.exe has a dynamic options to configuring it to work with any controller, just enter the Qbasic or VBscript instructions for this controller into roborealm then it will work successfuly, this is right or no?
Anonymous |
18 year
Yes, this is partially correct. You would use the VBScript statements along with one of the other control modules like the Serial or Parallel port module to communicate with the servo. Both those modules allow custom creation of signals sent to the controller so it should be possible to communicate with the controllers regardless of the protocol ... unless they are doing some very strange which would be unusual.