New DVR Client version is released
EDV  [328 posts]
12 year
Finally new DVR Client v2.0 is released and you can download it from here:

New features:
- Peak searcher
- Trend markers
- Interval selection

Also common usability was improved.

See documentation for more details:

Please leave your comment in this topic if you have any request or suggestion that is connected to further developing of DVR Client-Server software.
EDV  [328 posts] 12 year
New DVR Server v0.3 is released.

- Integrated installer of parametric database was added.

The previous version of DVR Server was forced to reserve database file space
for parametric data during working but new version has an integrated database
installer that provide reservation of file space for database before working
of DVR server.

>> Hi, how do I update DVR Server? I purchased it last version.

You had to receive download link after registration on RoboRealm site.
Just use this link for downloading recent version of RoboRealm package with DVR Server.

You could also start RoboRealm application and then click "Option" button and further click "Download Upgrade".
EDV  [328 posts] 12 year
The next update of DVR Client v2.1 is released and you can download it from here:

List of fixes:
- The button "remove" was added to bands list of "View archive\New frame\Create frame" dialog window (mouse double click could only remove bands from this list in previous version)

- The indication of obsolete video (that has no parametric data) was added to cameras view in main DVR Client dialog window.

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