5053 threads
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Web Server problem
Hi, I'm having some problems with the RR Web Server.  After I activate it I goto ...
17 year 3 3097
Recognise Starting Numbers
For a school project, I'am trying to filter out starting numbers of photographs. After I f...
17 year 1 2753
Roborealm for finding wall outlet
I have been working on getting roborealm to pick out a power outlet from the background.   (The...
17 year 7 3481
would this be possible?
hi, i`m  doing some research to build a sort of interactive game. i...
17 year 3 3056
minor fix for Logitech Orbit help file
I picked up a Logitech Orbit for $45 on Friday.  In working through the tutorial file I found that the logic o...
17 year 1 2674
How to make a "binary black and white image"
Hi,   I'm trying to use the shape matching function with no success.  ...
17 year 2 3442
3D, Depth perception, Stereo Webcams
Hi I allready found one thread dealing with this issue a couple of months back, however im am not sure if...
17 year 9 14669
RoboRealm doesn't find camera
Hi Steven, I've been learning how to interface to C using your sample program but somethin...
17 year 3 2937
Distance between edges
Is there a way to determine the distance (in pixels) between 2 edges? For instance: &n...
17 year 5 5197
GetImage syntax
I'm trying to load an image from RR to a VB image control.   The sample program...
17 year 1 3006
Lock-in style image processing
Hi, I am trying to do lock-in style image processing so to overcome variations in the backg...
17 year 4 3045
Industrial Color Cameras (USB 2.0)
I have designed a computer vision quality inspection system for my company and I require a rugged industrial color camer...
17 year 3 2841
Telnet localhost problem!!
Hi to everyone... We've been stucked at a very weird situation in roborealm. When we use your code and...
17 year 5 3702
The download link
17 year 1 2969
IEEE 1394 Camera support
I have a Sony industrial camera (IEEE-1394 standard, model: XCD-X710) which which was shipped with a National Instrument...
17 year 4 3328
Low cost robots
Ok, now that I have the servos and the web interacting fairly well on my laptop telepresence bot, I was considering diff...
17 year 5 3301
C# questions
I can start the camera and set up a green filter using rr.execute("<head><version>1.50</ve...
17 year 10 4397
Offline Documentation
Roborealm is well documented but only online. In developing countries like India we don't have access to the net all th...
17 year 3 4050
Custom Draw Lines
Hi, STeven Is that possible to add a module that can draw lines between two point, or three...
17 year 3 3322
problem with VB6 statement
When the following statement is executed in VB, RoboRealm API crashes. rr.getimage "Form1....
17 year 5 3285

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