problem with VB6 statement
David from United States  [3 posts]
17 year
When the following statement is executed in VB, RoboRealm API crashes.

rr.getimage "Form1.Picture1.Picture", pixels, width, height

What am I doing wrong?

Anonymous 17 year

Do you mean that the RoboRealm application crashes or the API you are using causes your program to crash?

Can you send a little more of your program? In particular we would like to see where pixels, width and height are declared. If the API is crashing it is most likely that pixels is not declared correctly or with enough room to store the image.

Anonymous 17 year
I just discovered that you can mark the current image, load a new image mark that image than you can use math functions to combine the images how you want them. I don't know if that will help with what you are doing.
Anonymous 17 year
I'm using the example file provided as a demo of the API
I added a form with a picture control then modified the 'get image' statement. When executed, the RR Program running with the API function enabled, crashes.
Anonymous 17 year

Thanks, we found and fixed that error. The new version has been uploaded and can be redownloaded using the download link provided in the initial email sent to you.

Note that the error was caused by the first argument of getImage which specifies which image to get. Since RoboRealm does not know anything about Form1.Picture1.Picture it crashed due to a null image being returned. You probably want to use "Source" or "Processed" as the image name in that routine. Note that you will need to convert the image pixels into an appropriate format that the Picture control can access.


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