Offline Documentation
St. Anger from India  [6 posts]
17 year
Roborealm is well documented but only online. In developing countries like India we don't have access to the net all the time. Therefore if possible can you make a provision to get the Roborealm documentation offline. It will be really helpful to us.
Anonymous 17 year

неудобно каждую статью смотреть на сайте и копировать себе на компьютер для перевода

Inconveniently each clause to look on a site and to copy to itself on a computer for translation
Anonymous 17 year
St. Anger,

Unfortunately we only keep the online documentation up to date and do not make any downloadable copy available. But what you can do while you are online is to download a program that can spider a website and download all the images/html files to your local machine. All the documentation is in the /help/ folder which you could point that spider to. Perhaps something like http://www.httrack.com/ would work? (first result on google search for "download website").


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