Telnet localhost problem!!
17 year
Hi to everyone... We've been stucked at a very weird situation in
roborealm. When we use your code and just copy, paste it onto command prompt window (by the way we're using windows XP 2nd edition) everything works fine and we can get our response. But we don't want to deal with that copy and paste stuff by hand(image2). Thus, we wanted to make use of a method such that we can automatically activate our commands with one click so we even turned our txt file into a BAT file(i.e.exp.bat in our sample-image 3). But when we click, program halts! It makes connection with telnet localhost 6060 and makes connection but the latter parameters do not work! and so we get no response:(
Our main intent was to create a direct connection with roborealm by image processing applied in matlab. Can anyone help us with that problem?? Any ideas? Plz help us folks...  

Anonymous 17 year
Unfortunately telnet does not allow for that kind of specification as it requires input from the keyboard as apposed to the command line (as in your example). Thus it will not work as you have found out.

I'm not sure if you are on the same machine that RoboRealm is running on but if you want a double click to load a configuration in RoboRealm you can just save the current configuration as a robofile (the second lower save button in the RR interface). Then you can just double click on this file anytime you want to reload RoboRealm with that configuration. If you always want a specific image to load just insert the Loading/Saving->Load Image module and save it with the current configuration.

I suspect that if you want to interface it with MatLab it may be a little more involved. What is the intended usage with MatLab? Perhaps we can create a MEX interface with RoboRealm if it makes sense for your project.

Let us know...

Anonymous 17 year
First of all, thanks for your interest and quick answer on our subject. But it seems we were unable to express our main problem properly. In our project, we're given a study based on image processing in matlab. Our intent is to be able to identify some kind of simple shaped objects like rectangles, squares etc. and then get some variables which will be used to control servo motor's positions of a robotic arm in roborealm with lynxmotion_SSC module. In other words, we're trying to send those variables from matlab environment to roborealm. Is this possible and how?
Anonymous 17 year
Yes, it is possible. The specific technique will largely depend on how comfortable you are with Matlab and what interface possibilities you have in Matlab.

1. Based on your previous email I assume that you have a way to execute a generic command console program from Matlab? Using something like a system call? Is that correct? You thought was to pass the variables as command arguments to that program in order to send them to RoboRealm?

2. You can also create a MEX function and compile that as a Matlab extension. If you have the programming capabilities for Matlab we can help you write a RoboRealm MEX integration function. Unfortunately we do not have Matlab and therefore can only provide you with source code for the MEX function but cannot ensure that it works correctly with Matlab (i.e. we'd need you to test it).

Let us know which technique you'd be comfortable with.

Anonymous 17 year
Hi back... Excuse me for the late reply. Unfortunately, we are not skilled at MEX functions i.e. not familiar with them much. But as you guessed correct, we have a way to execute a generic command console program from Matlab. Thus, we would appreciate your helps in passing our variables as command arguments to matlab and then send them to roborealm...
Looking forward to hearing GOOD news from you soon... Thanks...

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