would this be possible?
17 year

i`m  doing some research to build a sort of interactive game.
i doing this for a youth-organistaion who wants to organise some worksshops around communication an electronics.

i planning to mount a camera about 5 meters above the ground, looking down.
then the image of that camere should be superimposed over a gameboard.
the children inside only can see the whole picture (the children under the camera on a gameboard) and they must steer them over the board.

now i am looking for a relatively easy way to incorperate this videofeed inta a simpel game.

i hope the idea is clear.
my question, it would be ideal to use the camera as a sort of mouse device, is this possible?
Anonymous 17 year
Anything is possible!
Anonymous 17 year

Yes, but it depends on what you want to track. For example have a look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IK5_QYv3kf0 where RoboRealm is used as a mouse function to control the Dasher program. Perhaps that will give you some insights as to what you need to do.


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