Custom Draw Lines Anonymous |
17 year
Hi, STeven
Is that possible to add a module that can draw lines between two point, or three points?
It is something like Hough lines. But Hough line take too much resourse and I would like to have some control of the drawings.
The idea is if I track three points, then I can forcast the next move of the object.
Thanks Calvenn
Anonymous |
17 year
Yes, this is possible but we're not exactly sure what you are asking for. From your post it seems like you are asking for a generic routine that given two or three x,y coordinates it would draw a line between those points. Or are you just asking for a quicker Hough transform like module? Perhaps you could include an example image of what you are looking at.
Are the 3 points in the image the only three points?
Anonymous |
17 year
Hi, Steven
I would like to build a vision system like mobileye as show on the above link. The green lines are the imput, and the blue line is the command accumulated in next 2 seconds. there are around 20 commands( in the video clip, it can be something like forward, turn left or right etc. )
The three points mean(object 1 , object 2 and center point). By compare these three points in two picture, if two points are match, then I can
get the trend for the third point. For example, if object 1 and 2 moved to same direction at same speed in two pics, that means camera is moving.
If object 1 moved and object 2 stays, that means object 1 is moving. In the next any giving time(0.1s), we can forcase the next location of object 1. Is that object 1 going to hit the camera? Can we do anything about ?
That is the future work.