1530 posts
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Windows 8 RT [5]
Cool! Thanks for the info. If you hear about any other news with respect to Windows RT please post it here!
11 year 5 2293
help!!!!! [4]
See attached. The BLOBS_COLORIZED_LABELS then contains the COG and color value of each blob. See
10 year 5 2753
using ip camera "onvif protocol" as camera source [2]
Which camera do you have? We can add an ONVIF module to communicate directly to those supported cam...
9 year 5 2242
Is there a way to merge RoboRealm scripts? [4]
Thanks, the right click obviously wasn't working quite right. This has now been fixed. I was wonder...
9 year 5 1656
Texture marching [2]
Frederick, It will largely depend on the image that you are using. Certainly if color is a signific...
6 year 5 1970
How do I tell Roborealm the path to Python Modules? [2]
Carter, You can download the most recent version which has additional checks for that. Its most lik...
8 year 5 2617
xvid codec not workintg [2]
There seems to be a problem with the Xvid install. Perhaps you can try uninstalling, reboot and then reinstall to see if that he...
9 year 5 1910
license [4]
Roland, Was this directly downloaded from the site or copied from another computer? Apparently this...
9 year 5 1911
Roborealm Crash File [4]
Gulmen, Thanks for the crash report. We have checked all the information we can and have made some ...
8 year 5 1704
Steps for running roborealm through ubuntu 12.04 [5]
Try downloading the Setup_RoboRealmXX.exe and use wine to run that. If that doesn't work (we've not tried that recently) then in...
9 year 5 2094
RoboRealm's Pipeline [2]
Alex, The pipeline continued to run assuming you are talking about the Main tab. If you are using a...
7 year 5 1930
RTSP video image in RoboRealm [5]
Richi, Thanks for the detailed help. Interesting in that the port they...
11 year 5 3586
Windows 8 RT [3]
Danh, Actually the architecture is quite different and would require a porting of the app ... not a...
11 year 5 2293
controlling Phidgets USB Relay Switch [2]
McEarly, What happens when you add the 888 PhidgetInterfaceKit? Does it just complain and then exit...
10 year 5 2881
help!!!!! [2]
Can you post the image you are talking about that the camera sees with the 3 colored objects? STeve...
10 year 5 2753
Detecting deformed rings [4]
Have a look at the attached. Note, this is one way of doing it ... there are others. The best way will depend on your final imag...
10 year 5 2953
DoubleArray for Java Network Tables [5]
Tim, Be sure to have the most recent copy of RR when running this. The issue is that before a targe...
11 year 5 1846
Roborealm for counting [2]
Sure, attached is one way. If you have an actual image from your packing line that might be a better example.
9 year 5 2921
Python 32 bit DLL on Win 7 ia64 [6]
You have to upgrade to python 3.0 or 3.3. Python 2.7 is no longer supported. We're just following what ...
11 year 5 3800
Multiple Geometric Statistics module [2]
Nemanya, You can add the Set_Variable module inbetween the two geo modules and rename the variables...
10 year 5 2439

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