Roborealm Crash File
Ali Gülmen from Turkey  [8 posts]
9 year
Dear Steven,
I had a problem with RR again. I put robo file and Crash report on attachment files. It stops working after working a day. Can you see the reason why it stops?


Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year

Can you zip up that crash report and post it here? That will allow us to better get an idea on where the error happened rather than retyping it and making mistakes.

Ali Gülmen from Turkey  [8 posts] 9 year
Thank you for your quick reply.
Here is the Ceash report,
We are just looking for the last crash.

Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year

Thanks for the crash report. We have checked all the information we can and have made some updates to prevent the direct errors we saw. Unfortunately, we are not convinced the errors have been fixed as there were indications of corrupted memory which normally means that the error happened elsewhere that where reported. Could you:

1. Check after a crash that memory consumption is NOT maxed out. Its possible that something is leaking memory and over time the machines memory is fully consumed.

2. Could you post your template file that you are training on? We'd like to verify that this is working with the OR module. Sometimes the content of these training files causes a problem in the OR module. We can also use that to run the OR module using this template file over a long period of time to see if there any additional issues.

3. The specific error that we fixed appears to have been caused by the API. Are you querying any variables from an external application and if so, which variables are you requesting? The error appears to have happened during a request for a float/decimal variable which did not exist at the time. If you mention which variables you are requesting we can follow up on that too.

Note, if you cannot post the template files in this public forum please use the contact form to send us a direct email which we will reply to.

Please download the latest RR version as that does have some potential fixes.

Ali Gülmen from Turkey  [8 posts] 9 year
Thank you for your reply. First of all let me give some informations to you. There is a conveyor and we are checking some packages on it, if those are ok or not... We use vb api to check results from RR.  There is a timer which works in every 200 ms, and we read these variables : "avm_durum", "barcode_ok"
when we get "ok" data, we set them to "not_ok". This is all we do in API side. We don't request any decimal or float variables anymore.
About the memory consumption.. I've never seen any issue with memory. But i'll also check about it.
I'll send you direct mail for templates.


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