1530 posts
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Isolating Targets [4]
Carter, Thanks for the confirmation ... what you can do is use the Fill module just before the Blob...
8 year 5 2185
Roborealm Crashes without reason [5]
Ali, Do you mean that because the fps is slower the object appears and disappears before an image i...
8 year 5 2523
NXT isn't receiving messages [3]
Could you post both your NXT and robofile so we can try to replicate? Thanks, STeven....
10 year 5 2694
How to launch second simultaneous instance of RR? [4]
Jeremy, I'm not sure if this does what you need but in the Average module
8 year 5 2232
Is there a way to merge RoboRealm scripts? [2]
Thomas, We added multiple select of modules in the pipeline after which you can copy/cut by using C...
9 year 5 1656
Finding small objects in grass [2]
Patrick, Could you post test_image_1.jpg? Its just referenced in the robofile but not actually incl...
9 year 5 3008
Serial Communication Arduino Uno [2]
Muhammad, You would need some sort of communication module. In this case I added a serial module th...
7 year 5 3439
Conect Microsoft Kinect to RoboRealm? [5]
It probably corrected a couple things after a reboot ... sometimes the drivers need that depending on what OS you are using.
10 year 5 3220
AVM navigator and APM 2.5 [4]
Yes, that is certainly possible. The AVM module creates those variables with the expectation of another module using those value...
9 year 5 2474
Sending characters [3]
Roland, Yes, you need to introduce a flag to prevent things from transmitting constantly. If you lo...
10 year 5 1910
Texture marching [4]
Frederick, You can quantify that using an edge detector. See attached, 60K versus 200K as a numeric...
6 year 5 1970
Reading an Image exif file [2]
It didn't ... but it does now. If you download the latest version and check Options->Application->Read EXIF checkbox and ...
10 year 5 2900
Isolating Targets [2]
Carter, 8 numbers = 4 points (x and y) = 1 BFR entry. The numbers are for the 4 corners of the poly...
8 year 5 2185
Roborealm Crashes without reason [3]
Ali, It seems that the application is crashing in the API server part when an array variable is bei...
8 year 5 2523
Location of barcodes in image [4]
David, The system was just updated to include X, Y coordinates for 1D barcodes. See the documentati...
5 year 5 1643
Multiple Code Laboratory Eye cameras not recognized in other modules. [4]
Tony, I realized from your screenshot that you are not using the CL_Eye module ... which you will n...
10 year 5 1611
Display Serial Data [4]
You were close ... the idea is that you only set another variable when the depth is non-zero. Since the serial module runs each ...
9 year 5 3514
Xtion shows artifact in line mode [4]
Dave, Those black vertical lines would explain the spikes you are seeing in the line image. When yo...
11 year 5 3487
NXT-G Return to Starting position [2]
Brian, It is certainly possible to use the encoders to get a rough idea on where you are in the are...
9 year 5 2664
Oculus Rift [2]
CJ, Its an interesting thought ... we are aware of that product but didn't think it had much relev...
10 year 5 1701

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