1530 posts
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using ip camera "onvif protocol" as camera source [4]
Yes, the Read_HTTP can be used with IP cameras that have an MJPEG stream. The url that you need to use can sometimes be found on...
9 year 5 2243
Multiple Geometric Statistics module [5]
Nemanya, It looks like it was just a bit more information that the GetVariable function was meant t...
10 year 5 2440
set_camera_format issues [5]
Josh, Thanks for checking. There was still and issue with lower values where they were incorrectly ...
7 year 5 2027
Fiducial Orientation. [4]
Daniel, Thanks for the source images. Turns out there was a problem with the size of the images. Be...
11 year 5 3657
HTTP module, string variables, JSON parsing... [4]
Carl, I'd probably use the JScript module as that is uses MS's JScript object that comes with IE. S...
9 year 5 3089
Xtion shows artifact in line mode [4]
Dave, Those black vertical lines would explain the spikes you are seeing in the line image. When yo...
11 year 5 3490
Oculus Rift [2]
CJ, Its an interesting thought ... we are aware of that product but didn't think it had much relev...
10 year 5 1701
controlling Phidgets USB Relay Switch [4]
McEarly, What happens when you add the 888 PhidgetInterfaceKit? Does it just complain and then exit...
10 year 5 2882
Zmodo Cameras [4]
Yes, that should work. The "module" is already installed. What it is asking for are extra DLL libra...
7 year 5 3412
Texture marching [2]
Frederick, It will largely depend on the image that you are using. Certainly if color is a signific...
6 year 5 1973
using ip camera "onvif protocol" as camera source [2]
Which camera do you have? We can add an ONVIF module to communicate directly to those supported cam...
9 year 5 2243
Is there a way to merge RoboRealm scripts? [4]
Thanks, the right click obviously wasn't working quite right. This has now been fixed. I was wonder...
9 year 5 1657
Display Serial Data [2]
John, Not sure what display mechanism you are using to cause the data to flash ... but if you use t...
9 year 5 3517
Sleep/Pause/Wait [4]
Thomas, Sorry for the confusion ... the above robofile will freeze on the last large red item. So w...
9 year 5 2830
Xtion shows artifact in line mode [2]
Dave, Can you include the depth map image (in grayscale) so that we can check to see if there is so...
11 year 5 3490
Location of barcodes in image [2]
David, For 2D barcodes see the updated documentation for DataMatrix and QR Codes. There are variabl...
5 year 5 1644
Windows 8 RT [5]
Cool! Thanks for the info. If you hear about any other news with respect to Windows RT please post it here!
11 year 5 2293
help!!!!! [4]
See attached. The BLOBS_COLORIZED_LABELS then contains the COG and color value of each blob. See
10 year 5 2756
How do I tell Roborealm the path to Python Modules? [4]
Carter, My bad ... I read your question incorrectly. After testing tha...
8 year 5 2617
controlling Phidgets USB Relay Switch [3]
The docs for that module are at ...
10 year 5 2882

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