xvid codec not workintg
yasantha from Sri Lanka  [6 posts]
9 year

I am trying to install plugin DVR server. version 0.3. xvid codec is not responding. I install 32 bit version. see screen shot.

I haven't idea why ?

please help me.

Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year
There seems to be a problem with the Xvid install. Perhaps you can try uninstalling, reboot and then reinstall to see if that helps. Otherwise, this is a bit outside of RR for us to know what's going on.

yasantha from Sri Lanka  [6 posts] 9 year
sir, I done your advice. but still i can't play video. After I format my pc then re install . but same problem. please advice me.
Carl from Your Country  [1447 posts] 9 year
Are you sure the error is coming from the DVR Server instead of the Read_AVI module? I.e. does the video play just fine until the DVR_Server is added?

Also, what functionality are you looking for in the DVR_Server. Since you already have an AVI file of the video to be processed there might be another way to get the desired information without having to use the DVR_Server module ...

yasantha from Sri Lanka  [6 posts] 9 year
Now it's fix. thanks for advice.

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