1530 posts
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Roborealm Crash File [4]
Gulmen, Thanks for the crash report. We have checked all the information we can and have made some ...
9 year 5 1859
Roborealm Crash File [2]
Gulmen, Can you zip up that crash report and post it here? That will allow us to better get an idea...
9 year 5 1859
C# Sample Project [2]
Sam, The easiest way is to learn by example. Run RR and enable the API server (Options button->A...
9 year 4 2998
C# Sample Project [4]
Sameer, 1. Have a look at how the attached robofile and image works to detect color barcodes of 3 c...
9 year 4 2998
Measure the distance between a hole and a line [2]
This will probably completely change once you actually get a better lens. The camera is probably fine, just need a macro lens to...
9 year 3 2453
Zone -passing [2]
Calin, Because you have some wires in the image in front of where the cars would be that can move/s...
9 year 3 1762
Arduino Uno R3 - Sparkfun [2]
Patrick, Can you download the Arduino code again and upload to the Arduino ... there was a test sta...
9 year 3 2580
Integration of RoboRealm DLL library [2]
1. Get that running in the GUI app first. 2. Save to something.robo 3....
9 year 2 1667
Fiducial array with two fiducials - issue [2]
Billy, I think you meant to use FIDUCIAL_CONFIDENCE_ARRAY instead of FIDUCIALS in your first GetArr...
9 year 6 2918
Fiducial array with two fiducials - issue [5]
Billy, Sorry, as we didn't have the robofile we were using we had to make some assumptions.
9 year 6 2918
Test Module [2]
Thomas, Thanks for mentioning that. We've added a 'test button' selection in the list to allow for ...
9 year 2 2619
Kinect Depth Image [2]
Bruce, Can you verify that the Kinect is getting enough power? I've found that this behavior is see...
9 year 3 2628
PTZ Foscam Object/ Motion tracking. [2]
D, Based on your image, you will see the VBScript module has relevant code in it to translate a joy...
9 year 3 4660
Using variables in Colorize module [2]
Yes, just enter in something like [my_variable] into that field and s...
9 year 2 2263
AVM_obj recognation issue [2]
Muhammed, Can you describe or post an example image of what objects you are recognizing? I have a s...
9 year 2 2340
Roborealm Crashes without reason [5]
Ali, Do you mean that because the fps is slower the object appears and disappears before an image i...
9 year 5 2689
Roborealm Crashes without reason [3]
Ali, It seems that the application is crashing in the API server part when an array variable is bei...
9 year 5 2689
Find circle shapes [8]
Yes, that's *much* better. Attached is a robofile that is one interpretation on how to do this with the resulting annotated imag...
9 year 9 2743
Read Inputs using Arduino Mega Module [2]
You do need to specify a variable in the appropriate pin # box but you do NOT need to declare or use the variable anywhere ... t...
9 year 2 2524
SHAPES array [2]
Jeremy, You can access individual elements using [SHAPE_SIZE:2]
9 year 2 1883

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