1530 posts
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depth [4]
Ok, that should be possible to tell the depth from since its a known solid object. In what context if the container placed in wh...
8 year 6 2555
Blob group orientation [4]
In that case, you can probably extract just the label as was done in the last posted robofile and then use the ORIENT_IMAGE_ROTA...
8 year 5 2531
Blob group orientation [2]
Mark, You could instead use the surround white area that encompasses the two bar codes ... but I th...
8 year 5 2531
snow globe [2]
George, It will really depend on the image. Can you post one here? I'...
8 year 4 1749
snow globe [4]
George, The key words you mentioned are "see how fast the water clears" which makes this a relative...
8 year 4 1749
Confidence Value [2]
Joe, The bit setting of 1 would toggle the relay quite frequently as the number changes. I would ex...
8 year 2 2348
Fanuc robot [2]
Hi, No, there isn't any way to our knowledge of how to connect to a Fanuc robot. We are looking for...
8 year 4 1996
Custom Algorithm [2]
Pavan, It will depend on how comfortable a programmer you are in which language. If you are ok with...
8 year 9 2880
Custom Algorithm [6]
Pavan, If you are interested in exploring Deep Learning RoboRealm isn't the tool for that. We focus...
8 year 9 2880
Custom Algorithm [4]
Pavan, No, the shape matching is not considered deep learning. While deep learning is an active are...
8 year 9 2880
Custom Algorithm [8]
Yes, that may reveal interesting topics too. I'd also try "Deep Learning Robot Gripper" which I mentioned before. You may have t...
8 year 9 2880
application demo for RoboRealm DLL library [2]
First link on http://www.roborealm...
8 year 2 2046
Datamatrix [2]
Did you try the barcode module? I don't see any question in your post. STeven....
8 year 2 2402
how to detect the number inside a square [2]
You may want to post example images of what you will be working with ... hard to determine what's right without that.
8 year 2 2684
software not respondig [2]
The best way to ensure stability is to send us those crash reports that should appear after a crash. Since RR is used in many di...
8 year 3 1600
line profile [2]
For modules that don't have drop down variables you can always use the [variable] format to automate that particular value. In f...
8 year 2 1650
VBS [2]
WScript isn't exactly VBScript. Try Dim objShell Set objShell = Creat...
8 year 3 2373
line profile [2]
It does change the value to zero. You just can't see it in the Watch Variables module since that module will truncate informatio...
8 year 3 1631
Missing "vcomp120.dll" [2]
Joe, That can probably be solved by installing the visual studio 2012 redistributables.
8 year 3 2779
USB Port / RoboRealm Module [7]
Joe, Thanks for the update! Yes, it is all about the details. One wrong thing and suddenly everythi...
8 year 7 2664

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