Arduino Uno R3 - Sparkfun
Patrick Poirier from Canada  [2 posts]
9 year

I am starting experimenting with Arduino Uno R3 and the Sparkfun Arduino interface.
I can control the digital and analog IO bit i cannot get any pulse whith the PWM sliders. I tested with a simple servo libray example and it is working fine.  Any suggestion ?
Steven Gentner from United States  [1446 posts] 9 year

Can you download the Arduino code again and upload to the Arduino ... there was a test statement in the beginning of the main loop which was stopping the code from working.

I don't think the digital nor analog were working either. Not sure why you thought they were because they were also disabled.


Patrick Poirier from Canada  [2 posts] 9 year
Thank's Steven for the reply.

I had downloaded the same code than the one you are refering to. My problem was related to the servo library wich was somehow corrupted. I reloaded the library and the code is working fine now.

Thank you for your support and keep on the good work , ROBOREALM is a great product for experimenters, it really save a lot of time on buiding prototypes and the tools available makes it so easy to play with.

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