1530 posts
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Webcam suggestions [2]
Sam, We've actually created a mounting system for that camera (and its successor) that was initiall...
8 year 2 1867
some modules (VBScript) are not executed [2]
Let me guess ... your script probably as a GetArrayVariable that is not being tested for being an array?
8 year 3 2410
Loop of roborealm and fps camera. [2]
Ashira, Yes, you can set the Options button->Other tab->Min Processing FPS but AFTER you have...
8 year 3 1631
AXIS Camera Select [2]
Bernie, The Axis is an IP camera and as such doesn't have a DirectShow interface like webcams do wh...
8 year 3 2451
Listen to noise [2]
Marco, After speaking you need to set a variable that will avoid the speaking again until something...
8 year 2 2153
SetImage [11]
Kresimir, Sorry about my previous post ... it was too soon. The DLL had not yet been updated. I hav...
8 year 17 2680
SetImage [16]
Yes, there was a byte missing in that transmission from the COM object. This has now been corrected too. You can download the mo...
8 year 17 2680
SetImage [7]
For those working directly with .net bitmaps you can instead use [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Dl...
8 year 17 2680
SetImage [6]
Kresimir, Thanks for your testing and also including the screenshot. As soon as I saw the image in ...
8 year 17 2680
SetImage [13]
Kresimir, I think the issue in part was the lack of knowing how many bytes the jpg data actually ta...
8 year 17 2680
SetImage [2]
The first param in SetImage is the marker name ... i.e. the name of the image. Unless you use 'source' like you did on the GetIm...
8 year 17 2680
SetImage [9]
GetImage will request a jpeg image in superb (highest) quality which will not compress the image as much as you'd like. This was...
8 year 17 2680
Blobs [2]
John, There are quite a few filters available ... and more being created all the time as we come ac...
8 year 4 2420
DLL Plugin. Static image refresh. [2]
Dmitry, Thanks for pointing this out. The message was not making its way to the correct function. T...
8 year 7 1621
DLL Plugin. Static image refresh. [7]
Dmitry, Thanks for mentioning that. It was a problem in the Draw.cpp file include with the SwapColo...
8 year 7 1621
DLL Plugin. Static image refresh. [4]
There is no change to that code. To update static image call UpdateImage();
8 year 7 1621
Sensor stream/ Compass into RR [2]
Dave, That's a good idea. The iPhone (and Android systems too) do have good sensor data that would ...
8 year 5 2758
Sensor stream/ Compass into RR [5]
Dave, See ...
8 year 5 2758
Best shape to detect upper-left corner of a table [2]
Kresimir, You may find better luck using the Align_Image module which was built to align pages like...
8 year 6 2505
Best shape to detect upper-left corner of a table [6]
Yes, it is always a good idea to test any solution on as many images as you can. Especially in the case of paper that has been h...
8 year 6 2505

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