1530 posts
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Nubotics wheel commander Board [4]
Lizardboy, We've update the module to save the serial and baud information but have not yet had a ...
11 year 15 3088
Nubotics wheel commander Board [15]
The most recent version should have fixed the fps slowdown. This was due to a read/write timing issue rather than excessive band...
11 year 15 3088
Saving images [4]
Annika, Thanks for the images. I noticed 2 issues in the robofile: 1. ...
10 year 4 3085
Saving images [2]
Annika, Its hard to say what is going wrong without the python application that you are using to do...
10 year 4 3085
HTTP module, string variables, JSON parsing... [2]
Carl, You might be better of just doing that in JScript ... while the HTTP module can be used for t...
9 year 5 3072
HTTP module, string variables, JSON parsing... [4]
Carl, I'd probably use the JScript module as that is uses MS's JScript object that comes with IE. S...
9 year 5 3072
AUV [8]
Yes, the motors will most likely react to the PWM signal ... thus the 500 to 2500 range. Note, 1000...
8 year 11 3068
AUV [6]
Have you written a quick Arduino Sketch that sets the values of pin3 and pin9 to 800 and 1000 to see if the motors respond?
8 year 11 3068
AUV [10]
Ragronark, Q1: Not sure if that would be the only change. It is certainly the most common since dif...
8 year 11 3068
AUV [2]
I'm assuming this is a duplicate/related post for ...
8 year 11 3068
AUV [4]
Can you verify that the motors work and that setting those pins on the arduino cause the motors to move?
8 year 11 3068
Trying to quantify weeds out of field crop [2]
Aman, The easiest way to do this is to convert the 3 groups into solid colors and then use somethin...
8 year 2 3053
Audio [3]
You probably need to surround the audio playing with an if statement module and ensure that the latch checkbox is selected. This...
11 year 4 3051
Audio [5]
I'm not sure you want to trigger off from MOUSE_X as that will change based on the position of the mouse. Is this correct?
11 year 4 3051
Blobs: Perimeter/area and blob size [2]
Charles, Yes, that does appear to work. We added that to the Blob  Filter and it seems to...
9 year 2 3045
object GPS position [2]
Anthony, Yes, this is possible but you've got a little math to do to figure this out. We helped ou...
10 year 4 3041
Speed Trap Application [2]
Steve, Yes, this should be possible but your results will depend on what exactly you are monitoring...
9 year 9 3040
Speed Trap Application [4]
Steve, There are a couple ways to do this. The easiest is just to crop the image into that area you...
9 year 9 3040
Speed Trap Application [8]
See the attached (note I did change the movement from blob to window just for testing so you might need to change that back).
9 year 9 3040
Speed Trap Application [6]
Steve, That's good! To get another area, use the Maker module (use som...
9 year 9 3040

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