1530 posts
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Conect Microsoft Kinect to RoboRealm? [2]
You probably have the Microsoft Kinect Drivers installed too. When that happens the libusb drivers no longer work. I'd try to r...
10 year 5 3204
Serial Communication [2]
Just following up on this ... it should be resolved. The problem was caused by allowing \\0 to be included in a message as many ...
10 year 2 3202
tenvis jpt3815w not working with motion detection [2]
David, (As answered offline but repeated here for everyone else) The movement module will set non-m...
10 year 3 3198
Problems connecting to xbox 360 Kinect [2]
Vince, Getting rid of the MS kinect drivers in Win7 is quite difficult. Unless you need the raw IR ...
10 year 3 3194
How to make the connection with the automat [3]
See if the attached gets you closer to what you want. STeven....
11 year 3 3190
RoboRealm on Raspberry Pi! [5]
No argument there! Yea, the PI is probably one of the cheapest ... perhaps the $9 CHIP would be cheaper? Would still need to use...
7 year 7 3180
RoboRealm on Raspberry Pi! [3]
Another: Kangaroo Mobile Desktop Pro - ...
7 year 7 3180
RoboRealm on Raspberry Pi! [2]
Arif, Thanks for the post!! Yes, we've run some basic experiments on the PI in terms of just image ...
7 year 7 3180
Face detection [3]
There have been some studies done on profile detection ... but the techniques used for face detection require a large number of ...
10 year 7 3175
Face detection [6]
Images attached.
10 year 7 3175
Face detection [5]
Yes, typically for these types of applications you need training samples (and some testing too) such that the learning algorithm...
10 year 7 3175
how to detect knurling defects [2]
Alberto, One best way to accomplish this is using the FFT module
8 year 5 3173
motor speed or tracking speed. [6]
What driver board are you using? Also, are you sure you untoggled the camera button when you set th...
10 year 15 3160
motor speed or tracking speed. [4]
Do you see the FPS number increase as seen in the lower status line in the main RR GUI? There is no...
10 year 15 3160
motor speed or tracking speed. [12]
Sam, reviewing the manual I think there are a couple things you can do ... I suggest you become ve...
10 year 15 3160
motor speed or tracking speed. [10]
Sam, Can you start with a clean pipeline (press New) and then check the fps. It should be about wha...
10 year 15 3160
motor speed or tracking speed. [2]
You can try to increase the frequency that you signal the driver ... i.e. how quickly you change the pin values. As RR is based ...
10 year 15 3160
motor speed or tracking speed. [8]
Seems that you do need to increase the pulse frequency. Can you answer my previous question concerning the FPS? <...
10 year 15 3160
motor speed or tracking speed. [15]
Sam, "Does the camera has anything to do with the puls  signal?" - Yes, camera on, you ...
10 year 15 3160
Not a JPEG error when using read_HTTP module [21]
Redirecting this to ...
9 year 21 3152

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