330 posts
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pixel detection [2]
You could find out more about avm061.dll  here: ...
11 year 2 1688
for EDV [3]
I hope that your robot assembling will turn out well and we will be able to go further with robot navigation.
13 year 3 1720
C # Programming with roborealm [3]
I think this thread could be useful: ...
11 year 2 1733
Laser plus object plus center screen [3]
I think that this topic can be useful for your project: ...
12 year 2 1751
to EDV [3]
I worked over "AVM Quake 3 mod" during last month. It can be useful for users that now will have possibility of acquaintance w...
13 year 4 1780
for EDV [3]
Thank you for interest to AVM Navigator module and I hope that we of course will implement it on your robot ;)...
13 year 2 1790
I have fixed it in AVM Navigator v0.7.4.3....
11 year 2 1824
Keyboard Module [3]
You can really use AVM Navigator (in "Nova gate mode") for this purpose ;-) Use for testing of arrow keys the fo...
12 year 2 1837
Kinect - AVM Navigator [3]
How you plan to use it? What if you will show us the some of images from your Kinect that you wish ...
12 year 3 1849
for EDV [7]
I am working in this direction (walking mode) but it not so easily to get it: ...
13 year 8 1857
for EDV [4]
I prepared simple video tutorial "Route training and navigation by map": ...
13 year 8 1857
AVM Enquiring [3]
I think you should look into this thread: ...
11 year 3 1861
script [3]
If RoboRealm complains about missing components you may need to download the Microsoft Script Control: ...
13 year 2 1879
People counting [3]
What if you try to use DVR Clint-Server for this purpose? ...
12 year 3 1888
Question for EDTV [8]
Next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.2.1 is released. Changes: Visual odometry alg...
13 year 7 1904
Question for EDTV [6]
You should use the variables that described below for connection of your robot to AVM Navigator: U...
13 year 7 1904
AVM Navigator (User Perspective) [3]
I think that this topic most informative for now: ...
12 year 2 1904
Detect movement in JPGs [3]
I think that DVR Client-Server could be good solution for this task: ...
12 year 2 1908
boe bot and rr [5]
You should use "Scale Variable" module for this purpose: ...
12 year 4 1953
boe bot and rr [3]
There is an example of control AVM Navigator from external module like joystick: ...
12 year 4 1953

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