330 posts
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AVM: tank drive assumed? [5]
Historically first was developed "Navigate mode" and "Nova gate mode" that provided walking of robot from gate to gate. The ...
13 year 7 3419
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [5]
Now additional training from JPG images is possible only by hand with helping “Load image” and “Scale image” modules. You should...
12 year 10 3427
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [3]
What if you could try to train AVM on eye of several different humans? I think it would help to solve this problem. You should j...
12 year 10 3427
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [11]
But key image size 80x80 is optimal for object recognition with AVM. Save your current recognition data and try to set 80x80 key...
12 year 10 3427
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [9]
What key image size do you use (80x80 or less)? Try to use default value that will set if you click...
12 year 10 3427
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [7]
You could try to use higher resolution of video camera (for example 960x720 pixels) for more scale possibility of eye object....
12 year 10 3427
Missile Launcher Tracking [8]
I think that this VBScript program is complete and it not needs in any changes. You can use variables TURRET_V_CONTROL and TURRE...
13 year 19 3528
Missile Launcher Tracking [6]
The source data for turret control is deviation of the object center from center of screen  (variables dX, dY). Furthe...
13 year 19 3528
Missile Launcher Tracking [20]
You just set up visual marks that will be associated with map location coordinates in "Marker mode" (but it not create any pat...
13 year 19 3528
Missile Launcher Tracking [4]
I think you could use AVM Navigator with VBScript program like this: ' Get turret control variable...
13 year 19 3528
Missile Launcher Tracking [18]
You can use emulator program (based on Quake 3 mod) for acquaintance with "Marker mode" and "Navigation by map" modes.
13 year 19 3528
Missile Launcher Tracking [16]
>> Thanks, I'll play around with it. So AVM Navigator is loaded when you load the vbscript right?
13 year 19 3528
Missile Launcher Tracking [14]
>> I'll load it up and try it. Which reminds me, where exactly do I load VBscript? First you...
13 year 19 3528
Missile Launcher Tracking [12]
However let's try another variant of VBScript program: ' Set the turret control variables
13 year 19 3528
Missile Launcher Tracking [10]
The AVM Navigator is an additional module that is distributed along with RoboRealm: ...
13 year 19 3528
Training the avm object recognition module with a list of images [8]
As you probably know the AVM algorithm also can recognize faces pretty well: ...
11 year 8 3552
Training the avm object recognition module with a list of images [6]
Please note that the object images should be printed on the paper because AVM learns anything that is placed in interest area (r...
11 year 8 3552
Training the avm object recognition module with a list of images [4]
You could also find out more details here: ...
11 year 8 3552
Training the avm object recognition module with a list of images [3]
Take a look into this thread: ht...
11 year 8 3552
x and y coordinates [3]
>> 1. Why the total number of path on navigate mode is limited to 7? Historically first was d...
13 year 4 3620

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