330 posts
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Spykee arrow key control [4]
I think you should to convert values of  "NV_L_MOTOR" and "NV_R_MOTOR" ("-100 " - full power backwards, "100" ...
10 year 15 2644
Spykee arrow key control [2]
Just try to use variables "NV_L_MOTOR_128" and "NV_R_MOTOR_128" in motor control of Erector Spykee....
10 year 15 2644
avm.dat file change [3]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.3 from your account link.
12 year 3 2704
Interfacing AVM Navigator with ArduPilot APM 2.5 [7]
Yes, you are right. First you should train AVM Navigator on the route before autonomous robot navigation....
12 year 8 2717
Interfacing AVM Navigator with ArduPilot APM 2.5 [5]
No, does it not need. AVM Navigator needs only in video from robot camera for navigation.
12 year 8 2717
Interfacing AVM Navigator with ArduPilot APM 2.5 [3]
You should just develop your own VBScript program that converts value of control variables of AVM Navigator (such as NV_FORWARD,...
12 year 8 2717
Route Recorder [4]
2. Call the dialog window of AVM Navigator (click on it at video processing pipeline) and then switch to “Nova gate mode&#...
13 year 5 2768
Route Recorder [3]
I hope you speak about AVM Navigator plugin: ...
13 year 5 2768
Using AVM to go to a location, perform a task, then go to another [3]
>> Recognize an object and drive the robot to its location using AVM (10-15 feet away) Well, ...
13 year 2 2771
saving an image of highlighted object [3]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.2 from your account link.
12 year 4 2815
AVM [6]
No problem :) Just click "Set key image size (New)" button and answer "No" in the next dialog. Further set the...
12 year 8 2881
AVM [9]
Here is an example of variables settings:...
12 year 8 2881
AVM [4]
Thank you for your request! I will be thinking over about it and will let you know when new update of AVM Navigator will be done...
12 year 8 2881
AVM [7]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.1 from your account link.
12 year 8 2881
Lane & Obstacle Detection [7]
Sorry but it was not my experiment I just found it accidentally :) But you could ask author of this work: ...
13 year 7 2887
Lane & Obstacle Detection [5]
Quote from [ http://www.sampson-jeff.com/ro...
13 year 7 2887
Lane & Obstacle Detection [3]
I think it can be useful in your project: htt...
13 year 7 2887
AVM Navigator Trained object file location [3]
All current data about learned objects, gates and marks is placed in file "avm.dat". This file is located in user folder (for ...
13 year 2 2951
Clearing recognition data [2]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.5.1 from your account link.
11 year 2 2975
input bounding box data to avm [5]
Use NV_TRACKING_DEPTH variable for object tracking managing: ...
11 year 5 2981

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