330 posts
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Automating the learn object process in AVM navigator [3]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.2 from your account link.
12 year 2 2874
Vision based commands [3]
It seems that you are looking for something like this: ...
12 year 5 2907
Roborealm suddenly crashes on windows7 [4]
The v0.7.4.2 version has been discarded and so you can redownload previous AVM Navigator v0.7.4.1 for stable working. It will be...
12 year 10 2944
Roborealm suddenly crashes on windows7 [3]
1. Do you use new “Save recognized objects as JPG” option when crash happens? 2. How long RoboRealm application wo...
12 year 10 2944
Roborealm suddenly crashes on windows7 [10]
Can you shoot video that shows how you provoke this error? It would help us in analyzing of this situation....
12 year 10 2944
Roborealm suddenly crashes on windows7 [7]
Thank you for information! I will take it into consideration in testing. ...
12 year 10 2944
AVM NAvigator Delayed in pipe line [4]
Your video http://youtu.be/0cCnMWAQmxU looks really impressive! <...
12 year 4 2998
AVM module failure [3]
What camera resolution you use? Can you try to change it to 640x480 or 320x240 pixels?
11 year 4 3011
Training from an image [2]
Dawson, Can you explain your idea in more details? It would be good al...
11 year 3 3045
Wowee Rovio Control within AVM Navigator [2]
I think these topics could help: ...
10 year 3 3108
AVM object names [3]
Unfortunately but I can't transmit array of object names from AVM Navigator module through RoboRealm API for plugins (there is ...
12 year 9 3140
AVM object names [9]
In fact the AVM algorithm is not invariance to rotation and you should show the object for memorizing to AVM search tree under d...
12 year 9 3140
AVM object names [6]
Fun with AVM Navigator: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v...
12 year 9 3140
AVM object names [4]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.4.1 from your account link.
12 year 9 3140
AVM Navigator with arduino [3]
>> I am currently using arduino romeo 328, what program i need to upload in arduino? Is there any sample program?
12 year 2 3168
Errors in fiducial orientation with a SRV1 robot camera [3]
You could also try AVM Navigator in your navigation task: ...
13 year 5 3194
Plugin-Modul Error in 2.28.5 [5]
-= Just for statistics =- I use RoboRealm v2.28.5.0 and it worked properly when I started SwapColor plugin (under ...
14 year 20 3255
AVM: tank drive assumed? [3]
>> My Python code uses NV_FORWARD and NV_BACKWARDS to compute speed and direction for the motors.  It uses NV_RI...
12 year 7 3341
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [11]
But key image size 80x80 is optimal for object recognition with AVM. Save your current recognition data and try to set 80x80 key...
12 year 10 3341
Object Recognition and Tracking with AVM Navigator [9]
What key image size do you use (80x80 or less)? Try to use default value that will set if you click...
12 year 10 3341

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