330 posts
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x and y coordinates [3]
>> 1. Why the total number of path on navigate mode is limited to 7? Historically first was d...
13 year 4 3622
Sign Recognition [3]
I guess you could use AVM Navigator in "Object recognition" mode for this purpose. See "Sign detection and foll...
13 year 3 3751
AVM Navigator [3]
I will take into consideration your request in next version of AVM Navigator. So, let's wait next Navigator modif...
13 year 5 3766
AVM Navigator [4]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.2.2 from your account link.
13 year 5 3766
AVM [3]
Unfortunately but I not provide source code or detail documentation about AVM algorithm within AVM Navigator project.
13 year 5 3786
AVM [6]
In our case the visual navigation for robot is just sequence of images with associated coordinates that was memorized inside AVM...
13 year 5 3786
AVM Marker Mode not creating map [3]
You should use arrow keys for robot control in "Marker mode" (it is important for route recording).
13 year 2 3810
AVM navigator:navigation by map obstacle [4]
I plan to share some emulator program (based on Quake 3 mod) for acquaintance with "Marker mode" and "Navigation by map" mod...
13 year 7 3835
AVM navigator:navigation by map obstacle [3]
How does work obstacle avoidance algorithm? The robot processes the motion history of input images ...
13 year 7 3835
AVM navigator:navigation by map obstacle [5]
I have added option of disabling obstacle detection to Navigator dialog window . Now you can download next modification of AVM N...
13 year 7 3835
AVM navigator:navigation by map obstacle [7]
I prepared emulator program (based on Quake 3 mod) for acquaintance with "Marker mode" and "Navigation by map" modes.
13 year 7 3835
AVM navigator:navigation by map obstacle [8]
Next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.2.1 is released. Changes: Visual odometry alg...
13 year 7 3835
Path Planner [7]
I see ROS as one of alternatives of AVM Navigator but let's try to compare these navigation systems:
12 year 7 3940
Tracking an object using AVM [6]
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.5.1 from your account link.
11 year 14 4002
Tracking an object using AVM [4]
Every switching of variable NV_WR_OBJ_IDX from -1 to 0 just add new image to AVM search tree and previously stored images (that ...
11 year 14 4002
Tracking an object using AVM [2]
NV_WR_OBJ_IDX - the object index for writing This variable provides single writing (one picture) t...
11 year 14 4002
Tracking an object using AVM [12]
It's interestingly. And can you show some results (demo video, pictures etc)?...
11 year 14 4002
Tracking an object using AVM [9]
You should set variable NV_REMOVE_IDX to zero only one time (single shot) for clearing of the recognition data that was associat...
11 year 14 4002
AVR Navigator [5]
What if you try to use: CenterOfObject_X =  NV_ARR_OBJ_RECT_X[i] + NV_ARR_OBJ_RECT_W[i]/2;
14 year 8 4047
AVR Navigator [3]
Dave, Thank you for good idea it is really important moment for big (heavy) robots. And of course I...
14 year 8 4047

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