AVM Navigator
Kamlesh Thakur from India  [32 posts]
13 year

I am using the AVM_Navigator plugin for human eye tracking in my academic project. Upon eye object recognition and tracking, it has been observed that the Navigator also displays a trajectory of tracking within an object image. This becomes a hurdle as I am interested to take a snapshot of the tracked eye object. Is there any setting in AVM_Navigator window to avoid the tracking trajectory when a particular object is being tracked. I am attaching a sample image with trajectory highlighted in sky-blue color?

Secondly, how can I reduce the window size (use to learn an object in recognition mode) of recognition module?

EDV  [328 posts] 13 year
I will take into consideration your request in next version of AVM Navigator.
So, let's wait next Navigator modification. I will inform you when it will be done.
EDV  [328 posts] 13 year
Navigator package is updated now and you can download next modification of AVM Navigator v0.7.2.2 from your account link.

And now you can disable object trajectory in Navigator dialog window by checkbox "Show the object trajectory" in “Object recognition” mode.

For reducing of object windows size:
Click "Set key image size (New)" in Navigator dialog window (object recognition mode) and then answer "No" on question "Do you want to set 80x80 recommended key size?".

Further choose 40x40 key image size (click the left mouse button) and answer "Yes" in next dialog window.

Now you can train AVM on objects with resolution 40x40 pixels.
Anonymous 13 year

We deleted your earlier post as it contained your receipt number which should be kept private.

To answer your question, yes, EDV means download the latest version of RR using the link you have in the past and that will also upgrade the AVM module to the latest version.

Kamlesh Thakur from India  [32 posts] 13 year
Hi Steven,

Thanks for the update related to my query. Nowonwards I will take care to keep my receipt number private.

I downloaded the AVM Navigator v0.7.2.2 from my account link and it's working fine for latest updates.

In my academic project work on Opto-mechatronic Eye Tracking, I need to take a snapshot of an eye image once PTU camera finishes tracking an eye object. As of now, I am capturing this image manually using snap shot button available in RR window. Is there any API available in RR that can be called in VB Script program so as to enable the program to take the snapshot of the detected eye object after tracking is done. This will avoid manual effort of eye object snapshot every time.

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