for EDV
13 year
Hi, ED.

    I have good news and bad news. I got the parts in to finish Fred my robot. That is the good news. I finished him and he was looking good. The bad news is that when I turned him on he shorted out and died. The communications port is toast. I burned  three cables up trying to get him going. I don't know where I went wrong, but I must have put something in the wrong place.  I am sorry because I was going to give you pictures and a video. It will be a long time now if not indefinite. I don't know if I can afford to fix him.  I may have also burned my other robot up because I was trying the burnt cables on it to see if at least some of the cables were good.

EDV  [328 posts] 13 year
I hope that your robot assembling will turn out well and we will be able to go further with robot navigation.

Good luck!
Anonymous 13 year
Thank You, I have a mother board on order. It seems hard to change. But, I am not giving up.


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