5048 threads
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Write Avi showing incorrect disk space
I'm fairly new at using Robo Realm, but I've come across a rather peculiar situation. As this image illustrates, while both ha...
16 year 2 2112
Write AVI Crashes
Sent in a crash report on this. The robo file is attached.  This is version 2.48.0. Write...
11 year 3 3289
Write AVI bug(?) and question
Hi, I have two questions about Write AVI module. 1. I’d like to ask yo...
12 year 4 3685
Write AVI and multiple .avi Filenames
In your Write AVI module I would like to be able to change the Filename that is created.  Say with a date/timestamp na...
14 year 8 4959
write 2 video at the same time
Hello, 1. I'm looking to solution how to write 2 video at the same time. I has to try like robo f...
11 year 4 2919
Wrapper classes for reading variables from RR_API
I'm attaching three files of C++. These put wrappers around variables to be read from RR using the RR_API. These classes only d...
14 year 2 2463
Wrapper classes for reading variables from RR_API
I'm attaching three files of C++. These put wrappers around variables to be read from RR using the RR_API. These classes only d...
14 year 4 2611
Wowee Rovio video issue
There seems to be a problem with the  video selection with the Rovio interface.  I have never been able to s...
13 year 2 3523
Wowee Rovio Control within AVM Navigator
Hi guys, this is my first post so hopefully i'm posting in the correct area. Firstly let me set th...
10 year 3 3073
would this be possible?
hi, i`m  doing some research to build a sort of interactive game. i...
17 year 3 2923
Working with multiple tabs
Hi, I use one tab for each color I want to track from a webcam. For each color, I want to send its...
7 year 2 2033
Working with Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 2008
Roborealm has a great MSRS tutorial for MSRS 1.5. I would like to use Microsoft Robotics Developer...
16 year 2 2340
Working with Arrays
STeven- I was wondering what would be the best way to store and reverse an array in RR?  ...
12 year 4 2266
Working RoboRealm & Webcam in Ubuntu!
Here it is folks: RoboRealm running in Ubuntu and Wine with a working webcam. I forgot that the most obvious thing to do for Web...
15 year 3 4119
Working in the backgroung
HI, Is there a way to make the Roborealm working without appearing on the screen? or a command from...
16 year 4 2133
Wood defects detection
Dear Sirs, I would like to ask is there any chance to detect wood defects (especially knots type) u...
5 year 2 1962
wireless usb launcher
is it possible to rewire your webcam to the wireless usb laucher soo u can make the webcam wireless with the usb laucher...
16 year 2 2599
wireless transmission over serial
I am using an RF transmitter that I bought locally. It has 8-bits of TTL outputs from a microcontroller. Can someone give me an...
14 year 8 3953
Wireless Camera Recommendation
I have a Robo Magellan bot to which I would like to add a vision system. ...
10 year 10 8856
Wireless Camera Recomendations
Hi, I am investigating using Roborealm in a college upper level robotics class. We will use lego m...
13 year 2 2375

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