Working with Arrays
Ben Graham from United States  [17 posts]
12 year

I was wondering what would be the best way to store and reverse an array in RR?  I was thinking about using the "WRITE VARIABLE" module but the accuracy is too low.  For example, I want to store motor values "255,255,255,0,255,0,0" and then reverse the array to read out "0,0,255,0,255,255,255".  I was trying to use FOR loops in the VBSCRIPT module but have had little success.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Anonymous 12 year

Perhaps the following would work?

list = GetArrayVariable("my_list")

if isArray(list) and ubound(list) > 0 then

  top = ubound(list)
  for i = 0 to ubound(list)/2
    t = list(i)
    list(i) = list(top)
    list(top) = t
    top = top - 1

end if

SetArrayVariable "my_list", list

The trick here is that the first and last element are just swapped ... which allows you to do an in-place reversal.

Ben Graham from United States  [17 posts] 12 year
Thank you very much STeven that works perfectly.

One more array question.  I want to store the values of a joystick into an array every time I press the button on the joystick.  I want this array to be dynamic so I can store 1 value or X values.(Just wondering what is the maximum size of an array in RR?).  I have tried using ReDim and Preserve but have had no luck.  This is what I thought would work but has been unsuccessful:


ReDim list(i)
if trigger=1 then
end if

So every time the button(trigger) is pressed the array increases by 1 and makes the new entry the current value of the X_AXIS.

Thank you very much,


Anonymous 12 year

Where does the "list" come from? You are missing a GetArrayVariable.

You would also need a check based on the last element otherwise this array would increase very quickly in size even in a single trigger press (humans are much slower than machines).


if trigger=1 then
  list = GetArrayVariable("my_list")
  size = ubound(list)
    if list(size) <> X_AXIS then
    ReDim list(size+1)
    list(size+1) = X_AXIS
  end if
  SetArrayVariable "my_list", list
end if

You will get an extra 0 as the first number but you can just ignore that. If the array does not exist the GetArrayVariable will create an array with a single element of zero.


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