Working in the backgroung
Anonymous  [4 posts]
16 year

Is there a way to make the Roborealm working without appearing on the screen? or a command from the API to minimise the window while working?
Anonymous 16 year
There is now. We added a couple of new API calls that allow you to move, minimize and maximize the RoboRealm interface window. So you can now minimize the window or even move it offscreen if you'd like.

The new API calls are supported in and have been added to the C++ examples download. Note that if you are using other languages let us know and we will add those API calls into those examples if needed.



for the new API routines and


to download the examples.

Anonymous 16 year
Thanks Steven

But I am using VB.NET would it be possible to send examples in VB.NET?

Thanks a lot in advance
Anonymous 16 year
VB.NET added via the COM object. The VB.NET examples are included in the bottom of the test project. Be sure to update the RR_COM_API.dll otherwise the new API routines will not be recognized.


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