5048 threads
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Water Motion
Hello, this is my first view here. I just want to ask if somebody know how to detect a water motion here? This might be the prob...
10 year 2 1688
water level in sump
hello, as I sit here drying out my basement from a small water backup problem... I wonder if roborealm could help. I attached 2...
13 year 5 1969
Watchdog for Roborealm
Dear Stevens, Good Morning, When I  use edge detection metho...
8 year 2 2120
watch variables
I'm spending most of everyday working with RR, and quite getting used to it, but one feature would be really han...
9 year 9 2761
want to calculate distance between 2 point
how can i calculate a distance between 2 point.example i click the mouse at a and then click the mouse at b..then the distance a...
15 year 5 4717
Wall socket detection and data.
Hi, This is a rather general question. I need some software that is capable of detecting a UK 3pin wall socket and...
14 year 2 2207
WaitVariable - how to use it
I wrote an application in Delphi. Application utilize Robo-Realm (see attached RRTest.Pas procedure) to analyze image (Temporary...
9 year 15 7514
Waiting for keypress
This is an old thread, but the program does not load. Has the syntax changed since t...
11 year 2 1738
Waiting for a new image
hi! in roborealm API functions,the function "Waiting for a new image" have not any timeout variable.
15 year 3 2225
as it relates the RoboRealmSimulation service to RoboRealm Interface?...
17 year 2 2128
Voice profiles for listen
Is there any way to get face recognition to select the appropriate voice profile for the listen module?  I can get the...
13 year 2 3429
Vivotek wireless camera
Can someone please help me to get roborealm working on my vivotek camera. ...
15 year 11 3160
Visually Guided Reaching and Grasping
Hello, I thought some of you might be interested in a recent video I made of my robot tracking two...
14 year 1 1943
Visual targeting of shapes on a computer screen?
Can you point me in the right direction. I want to have my webcam pointed at the screen and have it recognise shapes and have it...
8 year 7 2032
Visual Programming Language
In microsoft visual programming language (vpl) how do you use the roborealm services? There are three services for roborealm lis...
11 year 2 1822
Visual odometry
Hi everyone. Isn't there a way to use something called, "visual odometry" using a roborealm module? I hear it'...
14 year 5 3090
visual odometry
Hello, Is the visual odometry  module still...
16 year 1 2057
visual line following
hi steven I see the tutorial but I don't understand some function. if i want to chec...
9 year 12 3205
visual data scraper
would I be able to use this in tandem with a Python program to scrape web data? first training it with each website and then let...
8 year 4 2249
Visual c++ 6.0 debugging problem
First, here is the code I try to run: #include <windows.h> #include <...
17 year 3 1971

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